Event Safety Advisory Group (ESAG)

ESAG process

If you are planning a large event or a small event which presents a significant public safety risk (whether in terms of numbers and profile of people attending or the nature of the event activity and/or the challenge of the environment) then an ESAG meeting maybe convened at your request or at the request of one of the group members.

Applicants will be invited to present their application and details of their event to the ESAG. Please follow the link to the Event Organiser’s Checklist which is designed to assist you.

The ESAG would expect to receive a draft Event Management Plan (EMP)/ Safety Plan from the event organisers.

An EMP is a written statement of how an event organiser will run their event. It incorporates such areas as risk assessment, traffic and transport planning, first aid, stewarding, site layout, audience profiles, temporary structures, barriers, emergency planning and evacuation plans, noise management, waste management and litter disposal, and communication protocols.

Timely submission of the EMP enables the ESAG members to consider and offer comment on the content using an audit style approach. In some cases members of the ESAG will deem it appropriate to draw attention to any potential deficiencies, shortcomings or omissions, particularly where they consider urgent action or improvement is warranted. The aim is to provide organisers with feedback on event proposals at an early stage so that there is ample time remaining to address any significant areas of concern raised.

Please note that ESAG members are not in a position to authorise or approve an EMP so their contribution shouldn’t be inferred by the event organiser as sanctioning their methods of controlling risk

ID: 4768, revised 08/03/2023