Emergency Planning

Supporting the people of Ukraine

As the situation in Ukraine deteriorates along with the impact of the humanitarian crisis, many people across Pembrokeshire are offering their help and support.

Show your support

There are a number of ways we can show our support here in Pembrokeshire.

With many logistical routes closed and transportation systems under significant pressure, sending physical goods could add more stress to the situation on the ground. Making cash donations, to organisations responding to the crisis in Ukraine, allows for emergency relief goods to be sourced locally.

To protect against fraud, we would recommend you use recognised international charities and organisations who are appealing for financial contributions at this time.

Here are FAQs from the British Red Cross on why physical donations are discouraged: Frequently asked questions (opens in a new tab)   

Assistance for family and those affected

If you are an immediate family member of a British National normally living in Ukraine and intend to apply for a visa under the Family Migration route, read the guidance on visas for immediate family members of British nationals normally living in Ukraine (opens in a new tab) You should call +44 (0) 300 3032785 for assistance before applying. Lines are open Monday – Friday 8am-8pm and Saturday and Sunday 9am-5.30pm.

The situation in Ukraine may be traumatic for family members, friends and those currently living in Wales. The CALL (Community Advice & Listening Line) Mental Health helpline (opens in a new tab) is available 24 hours a day to listen and provide support. Call 0800 132737 or text ‘Help’ to 81066.

All citizens in Wales have a right to live their lives free from targeted abuse. Welsh Government have stated they will not tolerate hate crimes fuelled by global events. If you have been a victim of hate crime then report it to the police or to the National Hate Crime Report and Support Centre run by Victim Support (opens in a new tab)




ID: 8577, revised 20/07/2023