Emergency Planning

What to do in an emergency

Pembrokeshire County Council along with multi agency responder agencies have produced a community risk register to help you understand the type of emergencies that can affect you and guide you in preparing for and responding to an incident/emergency.

In addition to this it may be helpful to write your own emergency plan. The emergency services and the Council prepare generic plans in preparation for possible emergencies. You can do the same for your home.

How to write an emergency plan

  • Start by looking around you and consider which possible incidents may affect you. Is there a risk of flooding? Do you live near a chemical or nuclear installation? Don't forget the possibility of house fires
  • Discuss how you would respond to possible incidents with everyone in the household
  • Plan how you would stay in touch if you were separated. Identify two meeting places: the first should be near your home and the second should be away from your neighbourhood in case you cannot return home. Agree on a friend or relative who lives outside the area that you can call to say you're safe
  • Place a list of emergency numbers by each telephone in the house. Teach children how and when to phone 999
  • Put together a pack, which includes the details of insurance companies, banks, car registrations etc. Ask a friend or relative to keep a copy for you
  • If you are disabled keep extra supplies of items you may need such as extra wheelchair batteries, oxygen, catheters, medication, food for guide or hearing dogs etc
  • Be aware who in your neighbourhood or building is disabled so that you can assist them during an emergency

Preparing an emergency kit

During an emergency, emergency services that cover a widespread area may not be able to reach you immediately. There may be a possibility that you will have to fend for yourself for some time. Being prepared will help. Having a stock of food, emergency supplies and preparing to cope if you lose your power, gas and/or water supply may prove vital.

In an emergency

Follow the advice you are given by the emergency services. You may be told to:

  • Stay indoors and close doors, windows, kitchen fans, etc
  • Listen to local radio/media for further information
  • Keep telephone calls to a minimum to avoid overloading the system


ID: 173, revised 05/05/2023