Disabled Parking

Eligibility Criteria

You may automatically qualify for a Blue Badge if any of the following criteria is met:

  • Registered Blind (severely sight impaired)
  • In receipt of Disability Living Allowance higher rate Mobility component
  • In receipt of Personal Independent Payment (PIP) – 8- 12 points for moving around or 12 points for planning and following a journey
  • In receipt of a War Pensioner's Mobility Supplement
  • Received a lump sum benefit from the Armed Forces and Reserve Forces (Compensation) Scheme within tariff levels 1-8 (inclusive) and have been certified as having a permanent and substantial impairment which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking

You will be asked to provide evidence of this as well as proof of your identity and residency.

You may qualify under the Discretionary criteria which require medical evidence to support the application:

  •  Permanent and substantial walking difficulties.
  • Temporary severe walking difficulty which is expected to last 12 months or more.
  • Have a severe impairment to both arms, is a regular car driver who experiences difficulty using parking meters.
  • Applying on behalf of a child aged less than three years old who is accompanied by bulky medical equipment at all times, or requires immediate access to a vehicle in the event of emergency treatment being required.
  • A cognitive impairment which affects a person’s ability to plan and/or undertake a journey to the extent that supervision is required.

Under the Discretionary criteria it may be necessary for you to be referred to the Independent Advisory Service (IAS) for assessment. Able2 Occupational Therapy Services (opens in a new tab) have been commissioned by Welsh Government to carry out these assessments on our behalf at no cost to applicants. 

Blue Badges: eligibility (opens in a new tab)  

ID: 4609, revised 31/10/2023