
Tell Us Once

We offer the Tell Us Once (opens in a new tab) service in Pembrokeshire, so that when someone dies, we can tell the people who need to know.

This free service offers you the opportunity to notify certain Government Departments of a death. If the deceased's passport/passport number, driving licence/driving licence number or Blue Badge is produced at your appointment they can be cancelled by the registrar. 

What information will I need to use the service?

To make sure we give the right information to the organisations we contact for you, please bring the following information (where relevant) about the person who has died:

  • their National Insurance number and date of birth
  • details of any central or local government benefits or services they were receiving
  • their driving licence
  • their Passport  
  • their Blue Badge (disabled person's parking badge)
  • their Library card

We will also ask you for the contact details of:

  • their next of kin
  • A surviving husband, wife or civil partner
  • The person dealing with their estate (affairs)

You must obtain the agreement of the persons listed above if you are going to provide information about them.

If you cannot find all of the information, don't worry - you can still use the service for the benefits/services you have information about. Do not delay making the death registration appointment.

Next of Kin

If you are the next of kin (closest relative by blood or marriage to the deceased), your entitlement to benefits may change, so please have your National Insurance Number available when you use the Tell Us Once service. Please note an ex-wife/ex-husband does not qualify as a relative of the deceased.

If you are not the next of kin, or the person who is dealing with the deceased's estate, you can still use the service if you have the authority to act on their behalf.

Please remember that it is your responsibility to make sure that all organisations who paid any form of benefits to the deceased have correct and up-to-date information.

We will be able to tell the following organisations if required:

Department for Work and Pensions

  • Pension, Disability and Carers Service
  • Jobcentre Plus
  • Overseas Health Team

Ministry of Defence, Service Personnel and Veterans Agency

  • War Pensions Scheme

 HM Revenue & Customs

  • Child Benefit
  • Child Tax Credit & Working Tax Credit
  • Personal Taxation

Identity and Passport Service

Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA)

Local Councils

  • Housing Benefit Office
  • Council Tax Benefit Office

These departments can also be told if you ask us to do so:

  • Council Housing
  • Council Tax
  • Libraries
  • Blue Badges
  • Adult Services
  • Children's Services
  • Collection of payment for council services
  • Electoral services

For more information on this service please call 01437 775176.

ID: 85, revised 19/06/2024