
Burial and Cremation records available on-line

Finding burial and cremation records in Pembrokeshire is now easy and you can do it from your own home. There are approximately 50,000 individual cremations and 36,000 burial records managed by Pembrokeshire County Council and they can all be searched on-line.

Deceased Online 

Pembrokeshire County Council has teamed up with the specialist family history organisation Deceased On-line and the following records are available on their website:

  • Digital scans of cremation registers, 1968-1999
  • Computerised records for all remaining sites and post 1999 for the crematorium
  • Grave details indicating all those buried within each grave
  • Maps indicating the section of a cemetery or burial ground where graves are located 

Free to search 

You can search the website for free and if you find a relevant document, this may be downloaded or printed for a fee. Simply follow the instructions on the website. 

As well as records managed by Pembrokeshire County Council, Deceased On-line includes millions of burial and cremation records for other areas across the UK.

Website: Deceased On-line (opens in a new tab)

ID: 2063, revised 12/09/2023