Council Information

Council Forward Work Programme

The Forward Work Programme

A forward work programme provides details of what the Committee will scrutinise over a 12 month period. 


9 May 2024

  • Item: Corporate Strategy for 2022 – 27
  • Purpose: Latest iteration 
  • Author: Assistant Chief Executive
  • Item: Revised Corporate Governance Improvement Plan 2022-2024
  • Purpose: Revised Plan to be received
  • Author: Assistant Chief Executive
  • Item: Notice of Motion relating to Anti-Racist Pembrokeshire County Council Action Plan
  • Purpose: As approved by Corporate O&S Committee in March
  • Author: Head of Democratic Services
  • Item: Public-i Contract
  • Purpose: 
  • Author: Head of Democratic Services
  • Item: Portfield Special School Full Business Case
  • Purpose: 
  • Author: Director of Education / Chief Officer for School Resource & Governance
  • Item: The Case for the Rationalisation of Pembrokeshire Schools
  • Purpose: 
  • Author: Director of Education / Chief Officer for School Resource & Governance
  • Item: Final Statement of Accounts 2022-23 & Audit Wales ISA 260 2022-23
  • Purpose: To review the Statement of Accounts 
  • Author: Director of Resources
  • Item: Voluntary Severance Scheme applications 
  • Purpose: To consider applications over £100k - Recommendations from Senior Staff Committee 
  • Author: Head of HR
  • Item: Salary Increment Progression for the Assistant Chief
  • Purpose: As approved at SSC on 25 March
  • Author: Head of HR


11 July 2024

  • Item: The Local Development Plan (LDP) 2 
  • Purpose: Fourth iteration of the Delivery Agreement
  • Author: Head of Planning
  • Item: Allocation of Committee Seats and Outside Bodies
  • Purpose: Standing Item - plus subs
  • Author: Head of Democratic Services
  • Item: Standards Committee Annual Report
  • Purpose: Annual Report
  • Author: Head of Law and Governance
  • Item: Overview and Scrutiny  Annual Report 2023-24
  • Purpose: Annual Report
  • Author: Head of Democratic Services


17 October 2024

  • Item: Corporate Governance Improvement Plan 2023 – 25
  • Purpose: Progress report / Revised Plan to be received
  • Author: Assistant Chief Executive / Head of Law and Governance
  • Item: Annual Self-Assessment 2023-24
  • Purpose: 
  • Author: Assistant Chief Executive
  • Item: Allocation of Committee Seats and Outside Bodies
  • Purpose: Standing Item - plus subs
  • Author: Head of Democratic Services
  • Item: Annual Governance Statement (AGS) 2023-24
  • Purpose: 
  • Author: Audit, Risk and Counter Fraud Manager


12 December 2024

  • Item: Municipal Calendar of Meetings 
  • Purpose: Standing Item 
  • Author: Head of Democratic Services
  • Item: Allocation of Committee Seats and Outside Bodies
  • Purpose: Standing Item - plus subs
  • Author: Head of Democratic Services
  • Item: The Council Tax Reduction Scheme – 2024-25
  • Purpose: To adopt a Council Tax Reduction Scheme
  • Author: Director of Resources / Head of Financial Services
  • Item: Outline Draft County Council Budget 2025-26 and Outline Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) 2025-26 – 2028-29
  • Purpose: First Draft (P6) full pressures identified; cost reductions required to flat line budget; draft MTFP projected funding gap
  • Author: Director of Resources
  • Item: Review of Council Tax Premiums
  • Purpose: 
  • Author: Head of Financial Services
  • Item: Pembrokeshire Council Rent and Service Charge Policy 2025-26
  • Purpose: 
  • Author: Head of Housing and Public Protection



ID: 11205, revised 18/07/2024