Complaints about workplaces and work activities

How can I complain about breaches of legislation?

If you think an employer or self employed person is exposing you or others to risks, or is not carrying out their legal duties, you can contact us or the HSE if the place of work is inspected by them.

The Health and Safety Team can be contacted by using the online complaint form or via the contact details.

Complaints about our regulatory service

If you wish to challenge a formal enforcement notice that has been served on you by one of our local authority inspectors (i.e. an Improvement Notice or Prohibition Notice) then there a specified legal process you must follow. You should have been notified of this when the notice was served. You must make any appeal promptly because there are strict time limits.

If you are prosecuted by the Local Authority for H&S offences then you will be able to challenge our action through the courts. The Local Authority has to provide you with certain information in advance to allow you to defend yourself.

If you have had contact with us and are unhappy with the way we have dealt with you, we want to know. Where appropriate we will seek to find a solution and will always welcome suggestions to help improve our performance.

If an inspector has given you written advice and required you to take action to put matters right (but has not served an enforcement notice) and you disagree, then in the first instance you should discuss this with them. If you cannot sort out the problem with the person you have been dealing with, then you may wish to speak to:

Public Protection Manager (Consumer and Health Protection)

Public Protection Division

Pembrokeshire County Council

County Hall


SA61 1TP

Tel: (01437) 775636



The Public Protection Manager (Consumer and Health Protection) will consider your complaint and tell you what action is proposed. Most complaints are settled in this way, often immediately.

If you are still not satisfied then you can seek to have the matter considered under the Authority's corporate complaints procedure, details of which are found here - Complaints. This procedure includes advice on how to complain to the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales (see below).

If you are still not satisfied, having raised the matter with the Authority under our formal complaints procedure, then you can seek resolution by raising the complaint with the Independent Regulatory Challenge Panel.


Other means of redress

You may also ask the Public Service Ombudsman for Wales to review your complaint. Their role is to consider complaints about local authorities (and other organisations) that have not acted properly or fairly, or that have provided a poor service.

Finally you can go to Judicial Review.

For further information contact:

Health and Safety Team,
Public Protection Division,
Pembrokeshire County Council,
County Hall,
SA61 1TP.
Tel: (01437) 775179

ID: 1503, revised 17/03/2023