Complaints about Food or Food Premises

Complaints about the service we provide

Complaints about the service provided to you by Pembrokeshire County Council will be investigated in accordance with the Council's 'Complaints, Compliments & Suggestions' policy. 

Complaints should initially be made to, and shall be investigated by, the Council's Food, Safety and Port Health Manager:

Contact details:

Public Protection Manager (Consumer and Health Protection)
Public Protection Division
Pembrokeshire County Council
County Hall
SA61 1TP

Tel: (01437) 775636
Fax: (01437) 775494

*General e-mail account accessed by all food officers

Most complaints are settled in this way, often immediately.

In cases of maladministration, complaints can also be made to the Local Government Ombudsman for Wales.

Public Protection Manager (Consumer and Health Protection)

ID: 1564, revised 17/03/2023