Children with Disabilities

How we may be able to help

There are three levels of services available:-

Universal Services

These are services that are available to all children and young people such as education, general practitioner services, health visitors, community activities, youth centres, sports and leisure centres, after school clubs and play activities.  These services will be the first point of contact for families.  We promote inclusion and support universal services to meet the needs of children and young people with disabilities. 

Targeted Services

These services are early help services where children and families require additional support and often support from more than one agency (i.e. TAPPAS/TAF)

Specialist Services

These are services available to children and families who have been assessed as meeting the eligibility criteria through the CCATs Team in consultation with the Children with Disability Team or the Continuing Care guidance in the NHS.

These services also include

  • Provision of advice, information, support and practical help.
  • A allocated social worker or key worker and linking with other services e.g. Health / Education
  • Short Break provision - residential and foster care
  • Direct payments
  • Activity workers
  • Support to access social and community activities.

Not all children and families will need the same level of services; some need more than others because of the impact of their child’s disability and some families may need more support because of their individual family circumstances. We know that needs change over time and this is considered through a regular review process, revision of support plans and reassessments as appropriate.

For further information please contact:

Child Care Assessment Team (CCATs) on 01437 764551

Children with Disabilities Team on 01437 776176

Existing service users please contact your child’s allocated social worker




ID: 1818, revised 20/10/2023