Children and Young People

Children Under 5

No matter how young your child is, there is plenty on offer at your local library. When any child under 5 joins the library they will be given a free welcome pack.

Sharing books, rhymes and stories from an early age is fun and helps children learn lots of new skills. A range of story and information books are available for pre-school children including:

  • Board books
  • Picture books
  • Stories and Rhymes on CD 
  • DVDs

Storytimes and Baby Rhyme Times

Children can have their own card and can borrow up to 12 books for three weeks.

Library staff are always willing to help and advise on books and information so please don't hesitate to ask.

You can find details of all our library items on our online catalogue.

And remember: Reservations for children are Free!

Lots of our Libraries hold regular Storytimes and Baby Rhyme Times. Take a look at our events page to find out more.


We support the Bookstart programme funded by the Welsh Assembly Government.

The programme encourages all parents and carers to enjoy books with children from as early as possible, as a child who shares books everyday will develop their language and literacy skills as well as benefiting both socially and emotionally.

Every baby receives a Free bilingual Bookstart Baby Pack at their nine month health check.

Bookstart Early Years Pack

Every child in Pembrokeshire also receives an Early Years Pack at their 18-30 month health check.

Book Crawl 

We run the Book Crawl scheme to encourage babies and very young children to join the library. It highlights the importance of books and reading and is easy to do - just ask at your local library to find out more

Playgroups, Toddler Clubs and Childminders

Childminders, playgroups and toddler clubs are entitled to a special library card - ask at any of our libraries for more details. We are always happy to welcome groups wishing to visit our libraries.


ID: 229, revised 22/09/2022