Business Advice: Food Safety and Standards Compliance

Business Advice: Food Safety and Standards Compliance

Pembrokeshire County Council recognises the importance of providing reliable, tailored advice to businesses. In particular it:

  • helps to build and maintain a positive working relationship between enforcement officers and businesses;
  • proactively assists timely compliance (and in the case of food businesses, helps the business to secure a good Food Hygiene Rating;
  • supports the adoption of best practice;
  • helps avoid unnecessary expenditure by businesses;
  • reduces the likelihood of costly food recalls;
  • reduces the likelihood of subsequent enforcement and potential fines;
  • helps businesses develop and maintain a good reputation;
  • helps protect our communities; and
  • contributes to the wider public health agenda.

Our Food Safety and Standards Team have traditionally provided advice and support to new and existing food businesses, supporting their efforts to comply with legal requirements and ultimately their economic success.

ID: 1565, revised 19/03/2021