Admission to schools in Pembrokeshire - Information for Parents (next academic year)

Appendix 5 The Teaching of Welsh and English in Pembrokeshire Primary Schools (2024-2025)



Language of School



Welsh Medium

Foundation Phase – medium of Welsh.

Key Stage 2 (KS2) – at least 70% of teaching through medium of Welsh.

Welsh is the language of communication with pupils and the language of day to day business of school. The school communicates with parents in both languages.

Pupils, regardless of home language will be able to transfer to Welsh medium secondary provision and by the end of KS2 will have reached equivalent standard in English to that reached by pupils in predominantly English medium schools.


Dual Stream

Mainly Welsh-medium or mainly English–medium exist side-by-side in these schools.

Both Welsh and English are used in the day-to-day business of the school.

Language of communication is determined by nature of curricular provision. The school communicates with parents in both languages.

Pupils, regardless of home language will be able to transfer to Welsh medium secondary provision and by the end of KS2 will have reached equivalent standard in English to that reached by pupils in predominantly English medium schools


Transitional School

Foundation Phase – areas of learning mainly through the medium of Welsh.

KS2 – both languages used but with greater emphasis on Welsh – 50% -70%

Welsh is the language used in the day to day business of the school. High priority given to creating Welsh ethos. The school communicates with parents in both languages.

Some pupils, particularly from Welsh speaking homes may be able to transfer to Welsh medium secondary provision.

All pupils will have reached a standard in English equivalent to that of pupils in predominantly English medium schools


English medium with significant use of Welsh

Foundation Phase – pupils experience the areas of learning in both languages but with greater emphasis on English. 

KS2 – both languages used in teaching but greater emphasis on English. Welsh as a medium of teaching or learning - between 20% and 50% of the primary curriculum overall.

Day to day language or languages of school is determined by the school’s linguistic context. Both languages used for communication with pupils and school administration. High priority given to creating a Welsh ethos. The school communicates with parents in both languages.

Normal expectation is that pupils will transfer to English medium secondary provision, but will have enhanced Welsh second language skills. Some pupils able to pursue limited number of subjects through the medium of Welsh.


English medium school

Foundation Phase – all pupils experience areas of learning through the medium of English.

KS2 – Welsh taught as a second language. Less than 20% of the teaching is through the medium of Welsh

English is the language used in day to day business of the school – some Welsh used as a language of communication with pupils to improve capacity to use everyday Welsh. The school communicates with parents either in English or in both languages


Normal expectation is that pupils will transfer to English medium secondary provision and continue to learn predominantly through the medium of English, learning Welsh as a second language.



Welsh Medium

All subjects apart from English taught through the medium of Welsh to all pupils. Some schools may introduce English terminology in one or two subjects.

Welsh is language of communication with pupils and the language of day to day business of school. The school communicates with parents in both languages.

Assessment at Key Stage 3 (KS3) and Key Stage 4 (KS4) will be through the medium of Welsh in all subjects apart from English or other languages. Pupils will be able to progress to Welsh medium Post 16 provision.







This category has 4 sub-divisions according to the percentage of subjects taught through the medium of Welsh and whether there is parallel provision in English.

2A At least 80% of subjects (excluding English and Welsh) are taught only through the medium of Welsh to all pupils. One or two subjects are taught to some pupils in English or both languages.

2B At least 80% of subjects (excluding English and Welsh) are taught through the medium of Welsh but are also taught through the medium of English.

2C 50-79% of subjects (excluding English and Welsh) are taught through the medium of Welsh but are also taught through the medium of English.

2CH All subjects (excluding English and Welsh) are taught to all pupils using both languages.

The day to day language or languages of the school will be determined by its linguistic context. Both languages are used to communicate with pupils and for the school’s administration. A high priority is given to creating a Welsh ethos. The school communicates with parents in both languages.

For pupils in 2A, 2B and 2C following the maximum number of courses through the medium of Welsh, assessment at KS3 and KS4 would be through the medium of Welsh in those subjects and that they would be able to progress to post 16 provision through the medium of Welsh in chosen subjects.

For pupils in 2CH assessment at KS3 and KS4 would be through the medium of Welsh in all subjects expect English and that they would be able to progress to post 16 provision through the medium of Welsh in chosen subjects.






English medium with significant use of Welsh

Both languages are used in teaching with 20-49% of subjects taught through medium of Welsh. All subjects would normally also be taught through the medium of English.

The day to day language or languages of the school will be determined by its linguistic context. Both languages are used to communicate with pupils and for the school’s administration. A high priority is given to creating a Welsh ethos. The school communicates with parents either in both languages or in English.


English is the day to day language of the school, but some Welsh is used to communicate with pupils, with the aim of improving their capacity to use everyday Welsh. The school communicates with parents either in both languages or in English.


English medium school

Pupils are taught mainly through the medium of English. Welsh taught as second language up to KS4. One or two subjects (could include Welsh first language) may be taught through the medium of Welsh or using both languages.

Pupils choosing Welsh medium options could be assessed through the medium of Welsh in those subjects at all levels and may progress to study at post 16 through the medium of Welsh in those subjects.


Any pupils choosing Welsh medium options could be assessed through the medium of Welsh in those subjects at all levels and may progress to study at post 16 through the medium of Welsh in those subjects. Most pupils would be assessed in English and progress to English medium post 16 study.

ID: 10743, revised 18/09/2023