Absorbent Hygiene Products

Absorbent Hygiene Products - FAQ's

Why are we adding services?

Wales has one of the highest recycling rates in the world and has the highest rate in the UK by a long way. However, if we are to reach the Welsh Government’s challenging recycling targets – and avoid fines – we need to recycle even more. That means not just recycling easy-to-recycle items such as glass bottles, drinks cans, paper and card, but more difficult-to-recycle things such as nappies and incontinence waste.

We have introduced this scheme as part of a wider improvement of recycling and waste services in Pembrokeshire designed to encourage people to recycle as much as possible

Why have you created the Absorbent Hygiene Products (AHP) service?

Our waste review identified that we have a significant number of customers across the county who may benefit from this collection.

With the introduction of 3 weekly residual collections and the 3 grey / black bag limit a targeted AHP waste service will give residents more space in their grey / black residual (non-recyclable) bags.

What is the cost of the service?

There is no cost to register for this service for households in Pembrokeshire.

Who will be eligible to use the service?

Households with children in nappies, or individuals who use incontinence products who primarily reside at the property can register to use the service. The service is only available to the main place of residence for the individuals who produce the material.
This service is not available to households how require it on an irregular basis i.e for visitors. The service is also not available to households which are not the main residence of the individual producing the material i.e if grandchildren are looked after part time at the property. In order to ensure the service is run in an efficient manner it is not possible to visit properties on an adhoc basis.

What waste materials can be disposed of through this scheme?

Nappies and nappy sacks, incontinence products i.e. pads, bed and chair pads, single use absorbent bed sheets, plastic gloves, disposable aprons, catheter bags and colostomy and stoma bags are all eligible items for this collection service.

Can I dispose of feminine hygiene products through this service?

No. You should continue to put feminine hygiene products (e.g. sanitary towels, liners and tampons) in your non-recyclables residual waste (grey / black) bag.

Can I include other residual bag waste in the absorbent hygiene product (AHP) bag?

No. The AHP bag is for AHP waste only, so it can be recycled using a process specifically for AHP waste. You should continue to put non-AHP waste that cannot be recycled in the residual waste bag. Registered customers who use the service for disposal of anything other than for its intended purposes will have the service removed.

If I choose not to register for the absorbent hygiene product (AHP) service, can this waste go in the normal residual bag for collection?

You can use your non-recyclables residual waste (grey) bag to dispose of AHp material however this will need to be within the 3 bag restriction per 3 weekly collection or this material can be taken to one of our Waste and Recycling Centres for disposal in the general waste container.  However, we would encourage you to register for the AHP Collection Service. There are two reasons for this:
• All AHP collected this way can be recycled.
• Keeping AHP waste separate will give you more space in your residual bag for waste that cannot be recycled.

How can I register to use the service?

You can register for the AHP collection on My Account

I do not have/don’t use the internet. How can I register?

The easiest way to register is online, but if you do not have access to the internet you can call 01437 764551 to register

Will I need to renew my registration each year?

You will need to renew your registration after two years. We will remind you via email when it is time to re-register

How often will collections take place?

Collections will take place every two weeks.

How many bags will I be allocated?

You will get as many AHP bags as you need. There is no limit to the number of bags you can put out for collection – providing that they are the correct bags. We would prefer you to put out more bags that are lighter, than fewer heavy bags.

Will I be able to have more bags if required and how will I get them?

Please email wasteandrecycling@pembrokeshire.gov.uk to request additional bags when these are required. These will be delivered by the AHP collection crew on your collection day.

Will the absorbent hygiene product (AHP) collection take place on the same day of the week as my waste and recycling collections?

Your AHP collection may be a different day to your usual waste and recycling collection. Everyone registered for the AHP collection will receive a calendar showing all collection days. This information will also be available online via ‘MyAccount’, it is also available through the ‘Penfro’ chat bot on our website. 

How should I present AHP waste?

You should present your waste in the purple AHP bags we provide, not in black bags or other bags. If you wish, you can put the AHP sack in a bin or other container. This can be any colour, however there’ll be restrictions on the size and weight of the bin or container to ensure our waste operatives can empty them easily without the risk of injury.

If I put the bag(s) of absorbent hygiene products (AHPs) out for collection in a bin, will it be collected?

We will only provide bags for AHP waste, but you can put the bag into a bin or other container you provide if you wish. There’ll be restrictions on the size and weight of the bin or container to ensure our waste operatives can empty them easily without the risk of injury.

I am not able to put my waste out at the kerbside for collection. Can I have help? 

If you have an assisted collection for waste and recycling, you can register for an assisted collection of AHP waste.

I am worried that my neighbours will be able to tell that I have an incontinence problem if I use this service.  What can I do?

If you are concerned, you can put the AHP waste bag into a bin or other container (which you will provide) if you wish. There will be restrictions on the size and weight of the bin or container to ensure our waste operatives can empty them easily without the risk of injury.

I look after my grandchildren who are in nappies.  Can I register for the service?

We would ask that people register for the service at the main address of the child. The service is only available at the main residence of the individual and not available to households which are not the main residence of the individual producing the material i.e if grandchildren are looked after part time at the property. 

I am a registered childminder/run a nursery.  Can I register for the service?

Because nurseries are businesses, this will come under our trade waste services.

What will happen to the collected material?

After they have been collected from homes, the bags will be taken for processing at a plant in Wales, which will recover all of the recyclable materials. The cellulose fibres from nappies and other AHPs will be recycled into fibreboards and acoustic paneling, and the plastics will be sent for further reprocessing.

In the current economic climate, how can the Council afford this new service?

We need to recycle as much as possible if we are to reach the Welsh Government’s challenging recycling targets – and avoid fines. That means not just recycling easy-to-recycle items such as glass bottles, drinks cans, paper and card, but more difficult-to-recycle things such as nappies and incontinence waste.
Disposing of residual, non-recyclable waste is expensive, so the more we can recycle the better.


ID: 5346, revised 20/09/2023