Strategic Equality Plan 2024-28

Our Action Plan 2024-28

This Action Plan outlines how we will address the inequalities identified in Appendix 1 Supporting Evidence through the delivery of our Strategic Equality Objectives for 2024 – 28.


Objective 1: Members and employees actively promote and facilitate a culture of inclusion


Action 1:

We will continue to ensure that all staff have access to support and training to support with a disability in the workplace (part of our Disability Confident Leader Accreditation Scheme). 

We will embed training for our managers around the social model of disability.

  • Service: Human Resources Business Partners and Learning and Development
  • Evidence: Numbers of staff that have accessed support and completed training
  • By when?: Ongoing


Action 2:

We will monitor and ensure the full uptake of our refreshed mandatory management module on equality and diversity in the workplace (including new material on neurodiversity).

  • Service: Learning and Development
  • Evidence: Numbers of staff that have completed training
  • By when?: Ongoing


Action 3:

We will ensure there is a renewal update of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) online training for all staff across the authority.

  • Service: Learning and Development
  • Evidence: Numbers of staff that have completed training
  • By when?: November 2023


Action 4:

We will quality check a selection of up to date Equality, Diversity and Inclusion online training (Pembrokeshire Online Development.) 

  • Service: Learning and Development
  • Evidence: Monthly quality checking with Human Resources
  • By when?: Ongoing


Action 5:

We will continue to develop and deliver a range of equality, diversity and inclusion training for Elected Members.

  • Service: Learning and Development and Democratic Services
  • Evidence: Numbers of staff that have completed training
  • By when?: Ongoing


Action 6:

We will review the Diversity in Democracy Declaration in preparation for the 2027 County Council Election.

  • Service: Democratic services
  • Evidence: Increased representation in local politics and decision making, particularly by young people, women, disabled people, LGBTQ+ people and people from black and minority ethnic backgrounds
  • By when?: Ongoing


Action 7:

We will promote the Supported Employment Programme.

  • Service: Employability Support
  • Evidence: Support managers to ensure equality and inclusion
  • By when?: Ongoing


Action 8:

We will review our current Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) Guidance and Template to take account of any legislative changes and develop training/guides on using it.

  • Service: Policy and Partnership
  • Evidence: Improved information for Elected Members to support decision making; IIA revised; Training developed; Training promoted; Training implemented
  • By when?: 2024


Action 9:

We will review our online engagement platform to ensure that the needs of services and service users are identified and met.

  • Service: Policy and Partnership and Digital Services
  • Evidence: Our online engagement platform is fit for purpose; Participation statistics reflect improved engagement and consultation
  • By when?: 2024


Action 10:

We will ensure that equality monitoring and welsh language data continues to be consistently captured as part of ongoing engagement and consultation to inform decision making.

  • Service: Policy and Partnership
  • Evidence: Improved information on protected characteristics for Elected Members to support decision making and monitoring purposes
  • By when?: Ongoing


Objective 2: To be thought of as an employer of choice who promotes equality and fairness in the workplace


Action 11:

We will embed strategy to improve the numbers of employees aged 16-24 by maximising opportunities for employees to take up apprenticeships, both as a means of existing employee development and as a means of on-boarding. 

We will monitor the take up of apprenticeships by age, disability and ethnic minority.

  • Service: Human Resources Business Partners Service
  • Evidence: Workforce report on staff undertaking apprenticeships by age, disability and ethnic minority data (from iTrent system)
  • By when?: Annually


Action 12:

We will review our current procedures and practices in relation to the ‘gig economy’ and use of casual employment contracts, and comply with the commitments signed up to in the Workforce Partnership Council’s ‘Acceptable Use of Non-Guaranteed Hours Arrangements’.

We will monitor contractual status of our workers/employees in line with employee protected characteristics.

  • Service: Human Resources Business Partners Service
  • Evidence: Relevant procedures and practices have been reviewed and commitments met; Workforce contract status report including protected characteristics (iTrent system) and Human Resources Business Partner narrative
  • By when?: Annually


Action 13:

We will implement a programme of coaching and mentoring for our future women leaders to support female representation at Chief Officer level to help address the gender imbalance in our senior leadership team.

  • Service: Human Resources
  • Evidence: Coaching and mentoring delivered
  • By when?: March 2028


Action 14:

We will review our recruitment procedures and practices to level the playing field for all protected characteristics and will: evidence any gaps whereby our community is not reflected in our workforce; diversify our campaigns to breakdown any barriers; and consider whether any Positive Action in our Recruitment Strategy is required to address under representation.

  • Service: Human Resources Recruitment 
  • Evidence: Recruitment procedures and practices reviewed; Gaps in representation are identified and reported (iTrent system, Office for National Statistics), and addressed
  • By when?: March 31st annually


Action 15:

We will continue to promote the schemes which support the provision of childcare for working parents to help address identified gender pay gap around protected characteristics in our workforce.

  • Service: Education Early Years
  • Evidence: Number of Pembrokeshire families accessing thirty-hours free childcare offer (baseline March 2020 – 700)
  • By when?: Annually


Action 16:

We will continue to report annually on the gender pay gap within our organisation. This is in line with the Equality Act (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.

Action 17:

We will continue to publish employment monitoring information (as at 31/03) annually. This is in line with the Welsh Government’s Specific Duties for Wales.

  • Service: Human Resources Systems
  • Evidence: Annual employment monitoring report (iTrent system)
  • By when?: March 31st annually


Action 18:

We will have an action around setting up employee networks and a calendar of events.

  • Service: Human Resources Management
  • Evidence: Human Resources Management Report with evidence that available employee networks and a calendar of events are promoted to all staff
  • By when?: March 31st annually


Action 19:

We will, as part of our Mental Health Strategy, ensure that there is specific reference to mental health support for our workforce with protected characteristics and acceptance of challenges in the workplace.

  • Service: Occupational Health & Wellbeing Team
  • Evidence: HR Management Report with evidence that employee support is promoted to all staff
  • By when?: March 31st annually


Action 20:

We will promote the Supported Employment Programme.

  • Service: Employment Support
  • Evidence: Enable disabled people to work
  • By when?: Ongoing to 2028


Action 21:

We will promote and operate the In Work Support Service.

  • Service: Employment Support
  • Evidence: Support people with ill health or disability who are at risk of long term sick leave, or on sick leave, to return to work with appropriate support
  • By when?: Ongoing to 2028


Action 22:

Extend the reach and increase employability support offered through Welsh Government’s Community Employability Programmes (Communities for Work+) and UK Government’s  Restart Scheme and the Shared Prosperity Fund to improve the economic well-being of citizens’ experiencing either out of work or in work poverty.

  • Service: Economic Development and Regeneration
  • Evidence: Increased support from April 2023
  • By when?: Annually 


Action 23:

Deliver the Welsh Governments Jobs Growth Wales+ programme, providing wellbeing, employability skills and work placements for 16-19 year olds to improve the economic well-being of young people who are at risk of long-term unemployment.

  • Service: Economic Development and Regeneration
  • Evidence: Increased support from April 2022
  • By when?: Annually


Objective 3: To remove barriers to access to services to support equality of opportunity and improve outcomes for all


Action 24:

We will continue the development of the Community Hub to ensure that people are able to access appropriate community services as part of preventative services.

  • Service: Social Services
  • Evidence: Volume of calls to the Contact Centre requesting information and social services assessments; Number of referrals to community support workers; Number of community groups registered with PAVS
  • By when?: Annual (Director of Social Services Report)


Action 25:

We will work towards the achievement of the Insport Development Gold Standard. 

  • Service: Sports Pembrokeshire
  • Evidence: Undertake actions necessary for the achievement of Insport Gold Standard
  • By when?: April 2025


Action 26:

We will have a targeted sports development approach to engage vulnerable pupils and groups at target secondary schools at KS3 age and at targeted Primary schools level (i.e. eligible Free School Meals (eFSM), Additional Learning Needs, anxious & phobic, etc.) 

  • Service: Sports Pembrokeshire
  • Evidence: Increased participation rates in sport and physical activity
  • By when?: Ongoing


Action 27:

We will deliver the Sports Development Equality, Diversity and Inclusion awareness training supporting the workforce development programme, targeting the upskilling of school and leisure staff, partners, parents, community volunteers and pupils i.e. Disability Inclusion Training (DIT) and Mini DIT, Play Together & Sainsbury’s Active Kids for all.

  • Service: Sports Pembrokeshire
  • Evidence: Increased numbers of people trained
  • By when?: Ongoing


Action 28:

We will provide support so that every child and young person maximises their potential and reduces inequality.

  • Service: Education
  • Evidence: All learners are able to achieve their full potential; All children and young people feel proud of their identity and are able to participate fully in school life
  • By when?: March 2028


Action 29:

Gaps in educational attainment are reduced.

  • Service: Education
  • Evidence: The gender gaps in all indicators are reduced to a minimum; The gaps for children living in poverty are significantly reduced
  • By when?: March 2028


Action 30:

We will monitor the impact of the Pupil Deprivation Grant (PDG) and PDG Access to reduce the impact of poverty on protected groups.

  • Service: Education Grants
  • Evidence: PDG and PDG Access have a positive impact on protected groups
  • By when?: March 2028


Action 31:

We will seek to minimise exclusions and challenge schools on any equalities issues based on protected characteristics.

  • Service: Education - Engagement, Performance & Community
  • Evidence: Exclusions are reduced to a minimum
  • By when?: July 2024 onwards


Action 32:

We will review attendance data on the basis of protected characteristics.

  • Service: Education - Engagement, Performance and Community
  • Evidence: Attendance rates for those with protected characteristics are equal to the national averages
  • By when?: July 2024 onwards


Action 33:

We will conduct biannual reviews of Additional Learning Needs provision, such as Learning Resource Centres, to ensure that protected vulnerable groups are able to make good progress in those settings.

  • Service: Education -  Engagement, Performance and Community
  • Evidence: Additional Learning Needs data is used effectively and vulnerable learners make good progress
  • By when?: September 2023 onwards


Action 34:

We will continue to provide an agreed Local Authority equality monitoring process that is routinely used to consistently collect and report on the progress of vulnerable and protected groups.

  • Service: Education - Performance and Information
  • Evidence: Agreed format within the directorate for equality monitoring is used consistently to support the New Curriculum for Wales under Welsh Government Guidance
  • By when?: March 2028


Action 35:

We will support efforts to make local public and community transport more accessible.

  • Service: Transport
  • Evidence: Improved bus stop accessibility; Increased number of vehicles with next stop digital and audio information; Promote access to and use of Easier to Read timetables; Continue training provision for vehicle operators and passengers; Further develop Demand Responsive Transport and Community Transport services to provide travel opportunities for all
  • By when?: March 2028


Action 36:

We will support the implementation of the revised Pembrokeshire Local Public Toilet Strategy 2023.

  • Service: Public Realm
  • Evidence: Local Toilet Strategy Action Plan implemented
  • By when?: March 2028


Action 37:

We will increase digital connectivity across Pembrokeshire.

  • Service: Digital Services
  • Evidence: Feedback from businesses and residents; Fibre connectivity deployed; Commercial investment activity
  • By when?: March 2026


Action 38:

We will continue to develop and implement easy to use, user accessible and modern digital solutions to make digital services accessible to individuals with varying levels of technical capabilities.

  • Service: Digital Services
  • Evidence: Positive customer satisfaction scores; Reduction of errors; Reduction at point of contact. e.g. customer service and contact centre; Usability and engagement metrics
  • By when?: March 2028


Action 39:

We will carry out a full feasibility study of the existing IT stack that supports the Contact Centre, to inform a business case to ensure a service user approach to customer services which is sustainable and fit for the future.

We will carry out a detailed business case based on the findings of the feasibility study.

  • Service: Digital Services / Improvement and Customer Services
  • Evidence: Review of existing provision; Review existing cost; Review customer interactions data across face to face, telephony and digital services; Use feasibility paper to inform business case with options; Implementation timescales and options will be updated using feasibility study; Equality Impact Assessment
  • By when?: June 2024 (review) and March 2025


Action 40:

We will carry out a business case to merge the two reception areas in North Wing/County Hall to provide an improved customer service experience to support customers using a range of access to service options.

  • Service: Improvement and Customer Services
  • Evidence: Review customer interactions data across face to face, telephony and digital services; Review financial data to inform position; Equality Impact Assessment
  • By when?: March 2024


Objective 4: To increase the availability and diversity of affordable housing and accommodation to address local needs identified within the Housing Strategy 2024-29


Action 41:

We will increase the number of social houses for allocation through the Choice Homes Register through new build and acquisitions (Local Authority stock and Registered Social Landlords (RSLs).

  • Service: Housing
  • Evidence: Number of affordable housing units completed (annual return); Number of acquisitions; Number of planning agreements for affordable housing (s106)
  • By when?: March 2028, Annual return


Action 42:

We will improve accessibility and safety of housing stock through the delivery of adaptations to meet the needs of vulnerable residents.

  • Service: Housing
  • Evidence: Number of small, medium, large adaptations by tenure (private and PCC tenants)
  • By when?: March 2028, Annual return


Action 43:

We will review the Choice Homes Allocations Policy ensuring compliance with equality requirements / protected characteristics.

  • Service: Housing
  • Evidence: New Choice Homes Allocation Policy in place (following scrutiny, cabinet and Council approval)
  • By when?: 2025


Action 44:

We will support tenants entering the Private Rented Sector (PRS) through delivery of the PRS Leasing Scheme.

  • Service: Housing
  • Evidence: Number of Private Rented Sector properties registered on the Leasing Scheme
  • By when?: 2026


Action 45:

We will, under rapid rehousing requirements, ensure that homelessness is brief, rare and unrepeated.

  • Service: Housing
  • Evidence: Number of homeless cases presented and closed; Number of homeless cases moved on from temporary accommodation; Length of time in temporary accommodation
  • By when?: 2028


Action 46:

We will provide support to council tenants through outreach support and engagement.

  • Service: Housing and Financial Support
  • Evidence: Tenant participation measures - Community events; Tenant referrals for financial support and engagement levels; Income maximisation figures – benefits claimed
  • By when?: 2028, 6 monthly reports


Action 47:

We will continue with provision of support and accommodation through the refugee and asylum seeker resettlement programmes.

  • Service: Social Services
  • Evidence: Numbers supported; Provision of Move-on accommodation
  • By when?: Ongoing


Action 48:

We will continue to support the accommodation needs of the Gypsy Traveller community in line with recommendations in the LDP2.

  • Service: Housing and Planning
  • Evidence: Accommodation needs of Gypsy Travellers are met
  • By when?: Ongoing


Objective 5: To embed Community Cohesion; mainstreaming it within public bodies and the wider community, and support the celebration of diversity and inclusion while building resilient Pembrokeshire communities


Action 49:

We will coordinate community cohesion related training, for local authority staff, other public bodies staff, third sector, elected officials, schools or others with a key role to play in building community cohesion (in response to local need).

  • Service: Community Cohesion Team and Community Safety Partnership
  • Evidence: Training/Information Sharing Log with narrative included in the monitoring form
  • By when?: Ongoing as required


Action 50:

We will develop an understanding of opinion shapers, local community leaders, and trusted voices in the region.

  • Service: Community Cohesion Team and Community Safety Partnership
  • Evidence: Key contacts identified; Training/Information Sharing Log with narrative included in the monitoring form
  • By when?: Ongoing as required


Action 51:

We will raise awareness of relevant consultations and decisions with local community networks.

  • Service: Community Cohesion Team and Community Safety Partnership
  • Evidence: Training/Information Sharing Log with narrative included in the monitoring form
  • By when?: Ongoing as required


Action 52:

We will support the settlement and inclusion of migrant communities into local communities (in response to local needs).

  • Service: Community Cohesion Team and Community Safety Partnership
  • Evidence: Engagement Event Log or Training/Information Sharing Log, with narrative included in the monitoring form
  • By when?: Ongoing as required


Action 53:

We will monitor and report on ongoing and emerging community tensions, put in place processes and procedures to address them as required, and work collaboratively to address the underlying causes of tension.

  • Service: Community Cohesion Team and Community Safety Partnership
  • Evidence: Engagement Event Log, with narrative included in the monitoring form; Prevent and reduce community tension; Monthly tension reports submitted to Welsh Government
  • By when?: Weekly


Action 54:

We will support the local authorities’ response to tackling exploitation and extremism in the region (in response to local needs).

  • Service: Community Cohesion Team and Community Safety Partnership
  • Evidence: Engagement Event Log with narrative included in the monitoring form
  • By when?: Ongoing as required


Action 55:

We will raise awareness of cohesion related funding opportunities, develop and administer a regional small grant scheme to assist third sector community groups to promote and foster cohesion within their communities via tailored projects.

  • Service: Community Cohesion Team
  • Evidence: Submission of evaluation of projects; Training/Information Sharing Log, with narrative included in the monitoring form
  • By when?: Annually
ID: 11513, revised 14/08/2024