Strategic Equality Plan 2024-28

Strategic Equality Plan Objectives 2024-28

Our Strategic Equalities Action Plan Group includes representatives from across the authority who meet regularly to review and monitor progress against our objectives.

We have reviewed our Equality Objectives, supported by a regional engagement exercise during the Summer 2023, and local and national policy context and research. Changes to the national policy framework that have been adopted since 2020 includes Welsh Government’s Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan which emphasises the need for leadership and cultural change.

The Strategic Equality Plan complements the Participation Strategy agreed in January 2023. The participation strategy includes a number objectives aimed at widening participation in decision making. For this reason, we have not included a specific objective on individuals’ and communities’ ability to influence decisions within this plan.


1. Members and employees actively promote and facilitate a culture of inclusion


Why this objective?

Equality needs to run through all of our services. If action on equality is to be effective this change process needs to be led and embedded as part of cultural change.


Relation to previous objective?

This replaces “Governance and the Socio-Economic Duty - we will improve governance arrangements for the implementation and monitoring of our Strategic Equality Objectives. We will commence the Socio-Economic Duty from March 2021”.


Reason for objective change:

It was agreed that this did not need to be a separate objective going forward as the Socio-Economic Duty 2021 has been incorporated into policy making. The new wording reflects the importance placed in the Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan.


2. To be thought of as an employer of choice who promotes equality and fairness in the workplace


Why this objective?

We are a significant local employer and getting our employment practices right will have a wider community benefit. We experience recruitment issues across a number of job roles. Being a well-regarded and inclusive employer will expand the pool of talent that we can draw from.


Relation to previous objective?

This replaces “Employment - we will take steps to become a more inclusive employer and seek to reduce our gender pay gap”.


Reason for objective change:

The previous objective was too narrow and we have made good progress on reducing our gender pay gap. Employment issues have been raised as part of the regional consultation which suggest a broader objective is required.


3. To remove barriers to access to services to support equality of opportunity and improve outcomes for all


Why this objective?

This was raised in the regional consultation. A service specific example of this is addressing the attainment gap. The previous Education objective has been incorporated into this objective.


Relation to previous objective?

This replaces “Access to community life and services – we will support the provision of accessible Council services and encourage the development of accessible opportunities within our local communities.”


Reason for objective change: 

Fits with making our services accessible to everyone.


4. To increase the availability and diversity of affordable housing and accommodation to address local needs identified within the Housing Strategy 2024-29


Why this objective?

Objective reflects broader housing considerations within the Pembrokeshire Housing Strategy 2024-29. 


Relation to previous objective?

This replaces “Housing - we will work to increase the availability and diversity of affordable housing”.


Reason for objective change: 

Objective reflects broader housing considerations under the Housing Strategy/Act to provide more housing, better choice and support. Diversity also covers adaptions, life homes and gypsy and traveller community requirements.


5. To embed Community Cohesion; mainstreaming it within public bodies and the wider community, and support the celebration of diversity and inclusion while building resilient Pembrokeshire communities.


Why this objective? 

Widen understanding, reach and collaboration to provide more well-connected, holistic and inclusive services within communities. 


Relation to previous objective? 

This replaces “Community cohesion – we will support activities which encourage people within local communities to get on well together and aim to reduce incidences of crime and anti-social behaviour”


Reason for objective change:

To reflect this is a coordinated approach across organisations and needs to be embedded across organisations and communities. 

ID: 11511, revised 18/07/2024