Your Personal Safety

Community alarms

If you are concerned about getting help in an emergency you may be interested in having a Community Alarm. A pendant, which your wear around your neck or wrist, is linked to your telephone and is activated if you press it in an emergency. The monitoring service will answer your call and the operator will decide what action to take (see below for a list of providers).

If you are unable or unwilling to connect to a monitoring service, Home Safety Alarms are available to purchase privately. These can range from being stand-alone units (for use within or close proximity to the home) to calling a responder over Wi-Fi, mobile or landline services.

Pembrokeshire County Council

If you own your home, are in private rental or a Local Authority tenant, please visit the Pembrokeshire Community Alarm Service for information about how to get a Community Alarm.

Social Housing Associations

If you are a Social Housing tenant, your landlord should be able to provide and install a Community Alarm at your property and you will need to contact them to discuss your needs. Ateb tenants are able to apply online by visiting their Older Person Service (opens in a new tab).

National Call Monitoring Services

You can arrange to have a Personal Alarm Monitoring Service fitted yourself and include the following providers:

ID: 2029, revised 26/04/2024