Learning and Development

Practice Educator Award

If you are passionate about supporting the next generation of Social Workers, we provide a diverse range of practice learning opportunities for social work students each year through our University partnerships. These create a number of opportunities for qualified Practice Educators to supervise student placements.  Maintaining high standards, Practice Educators provide the foundations and experience students need to become effective and confident social workers and students aren’t the only ones to benefit from the process. It’s incredibly rewarding for our Practice Educators too, helping them to reflect and refine their own methods and ways of working.

Social workers with 3 years post-qualifying experience or more can apply via our qualifications panel for funding and support to study for the Practice Educator Award, and begin the journey towards shaping our social workers of the future.

'I completed the Practice Assessor/Educator award whilst working for PCC in 2017. I was supported and encouraged by my manager and the training department to do this. I found the experience of studying at this level invigorated my own practice and refreshed my learning. I am currently Practice Educator for the fifth time and I find each experience offers me the opportunity to continue to develop my skills and knowledge base as well as providing variety within my role. Lisa Jones, Social Worker, Substance Misuse Team

ID: 7469, revised 23/03/2023