Welsh language Standards Annual Report

Operational Standards

We have developed a wide range of resources for employees and managers, to support the implementation of the operational standards. These include:


1). A dedicated Welsh Language Standards page on our Intranet. This contains:

  • Communications Standards, Services & Resources – Guidelines for Employees, and associated Fact Sheets
  • Welsh Language Training Needs Self-Assessment, and guidelines for completion
  • Welsh Language Courses
  • Performance Appraisal – guidance and paperwork
  • Supplementary Guidance for Managers & Senior Officers
  • Internal Use of Welsh Policy
  • Policy on Awarding Grants and Application Form

The Internal Use of Welsh Policy is being reviewed during 2024-25 with reference to the Welsh Language Commissioners Internal Use of Welsh Guidance (2023).


2). The Human Resources (HR) section on the Intranet contains the following resources:

  • Internal Policies, Procedures and Guidance (in English and Welsh as applicable)
  • Recruitment guidance, including Welsh Language Standard Requirements, for HR Advisors and service managers


Table 4: Operational Standards


Employee communication preference

 What are we monitoring?
 No. of employees wishing to receive paper correspondence that relates to his or her employment, and which is addressed to him or her personally, in Welsh  N/A  13  24 33  32 33 Figures remain static


Welsh Language Skills of Employees

 What are we monitoring?
 Number of employees who completed the training needs self-assessment.  1,685  1,663  1,655  1,969  1,870 1,774 Decrease in numbers


Welsh Language Skills of Employees at Level 1 or above 

 What are we monitoring?
 The number that indicated Welsh language speaking skills at Level 1 or above that completed the training needs self-assessment.  870  781  793  919  899 868 Welsh language skill levels remain largely static.


Welsh Language Skills of Employees at Level 3 or 4

 What are we monitoring?
 Number of employees as being able to speak Welsh at Level 3 or 4 that completed the training needs self-assessment.  171 on 04/07/19   120 on 07/05/20   148 on 14/04/21   177 on 29/04/22    179 on 12/04 170 on 31/03/24  Welsh language skill levels remain largely static.


Training through the medium of Welsh


What are we monitoring?
Recruitment & Interviewing 26 undertook one of the 6 listed training courses through the medium of Welsh 0 0 0 0 1
Performance Management 26 undertook one of the 6 listed training courses through the medium of Welsh N/A N/A 3 0 0
Complaints & Disciplinary 26 undertook one of the 6 listed training courses through the medium of Welsh 0 0 N/A 0 0
Induction 26 undertook one of the 6 listed training courses through the medium of Welsh 0 0 3 0 0
Dealing with the public 26 undertook one of the 6 listed training courses through the medium of Welsh N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Health and Safety 26 undertook one of the 6 listed training courses through the medium of Welsh 30 7 66 (In addition Safeguarding Children, Young People & Adults 22 , VAWDASV 28 and Fire Safety 11 and Manual Handling 5) 152 114



Decrease (38%) in Health & Safety Training through medium of Welsh


Welsh Language Learning

  • Work Welsh - designated tutor funded by National Centre for Learning Welsh
  • Total 2021-22 learners = 79 (plus Say Something in Welsh, 2, and Work Welsh, 16)
  • Total 2022-23 learners = 118 (Community Classes and Work Welsh)
  • Total 2023-24 learners = 203 (Community Classes and Work Welsh)


What are we monitoring?
2022-23 Community Classes
2022-23 Work Welsh 
2023-24 Community Classes
2023-24 Work Welsh 
Taster (online and face to face) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 26 N/A 105
Entry 43 40 47 27 11 47 80 40
Foundation 24 38 11 21 13 5 26 9
Intermediate 14 14 11 3 4 4 13 4
Advanced 3 2 12 9 6 0 22 4
Proficiency 5 3 2 0 2 N/A N/A N/A
Other N/A N/A N/A 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total learning  89 97 85 61 36 82 141 162


Welsh Language Designated Posts

The designations of Welsh language requirements on posts advertised has remained largely static since 2021/2.


What are we monitoring?
Welsh language essential 51 (10%) 80 (13%) 51 (12%) 70 (11%) 72 (10%) 85 (8%)
Welsh language desirable 311 (62%) 398 (64%) 299 (68%) 439 (66%) 480 (70%) 813 (75%)
Welsh to be learnt 23 (5%) 32 (5%) 4 (1%) 9 (1%) 5 (1%) 6 (1%)
Welsh not required 117 (23%) 113 (18%) 84 (19%) 143 (27%) 130 (19%) 186 (17%)
Total Welsh Language Designated Posts 502 623 438 660 - Plus one advert for two posts (one post essential, one desirable) and one advert for a post that was desirable / to be learnt (subject to department need). 687 1090









ID: 10359, revised 04/12/2024