The Childcare Offer Wales

How and when can I apply?

One lead parent needs to complete the online application, even if you have shared custody of the child.

An application can be completed up to 60 days before your child(ren) become eligible (the term after your child turns three). 

Before you start, you need to know your:

  • your National Insurance number
  • your employment address with postcode
  • household partner’s employment address with postcode
  • average weekly earnings for you and your household partner
  • gross annual salary for you and your household partner

You will also need to upload images of documents to apply for the Childcare Offer for Wales, for example proof of:

  • age of child(ren)
  • address
  • earnings
  • enrolment on a higher or further education course

Before you apply, check which documents you will need to upload images of.


Step by Step:

Step 1: Submit an application through a Government Gateway account:

Start now

If you already have a Government Gateway account then you can apply using your existing login details. 

For help on how to create a Government Gateway account

Step 2: On submission of the parent application, a unique reference number is generated and displayed on screen. This will also be emailed to you. Please keep this safe as you will need it for all correspondence with your local authority.

Your application will be reviewed by the relevant local authority within 10 working days.

Step 3: When the local authority has reviewed your application, you will receive an email to say an update has been made to your Childcare Offer for Wales account and that you should sign into your Childcare Offer for Wales account with your Government Gateway ID and password to check. All notifications will be displayed on your dashboard.

Sign in

Step 4: Once your application is approved you need to create an agreement with your childcare setting(s). To ensure your childcare is funded from your chosen date, you must create and submit your Agreement online before the first Monday of funded childcare.

Please note, you must discuss the number of hours to be used with the childcare setting prior to completion of the online agreement.

For help on how to create or amend an agreement with your childcare setting

Step 5: Once you have successfully submitted your agreement request to your childcare setting, the provider(s) will need to either accept or reject this request for funding. Your setting must confirm the Agreement by the Thursday of the first week at the very latest.

When a setting accepts your agreement request, an email notification will be sent to you to notify you that there have been changes on your system and to please sign in. You will be presented with your dashboard where you will see further details. On approval of an agreement request, you will see the status of APPROVED in your child’s agreement summary. You can view or cancel agreements from here.

ID: 7236, revised 14/02/2023