Tenders and Contracts

Do's and Don'ts of Tendering


  • Register on Sell2Wales (opens in a new tab) website and ensure that your company profile is kept up to date and the categories you register for accurately reflect the type of goods and services that you offer.
  • Visit our website to obtain information on our current contracts.
  • Read the instructions and all documents carefully and ensure you comply with all requirements stated.
  • Ensure that you take the opportunity to sell your organisation and the products and Services that you offer. Do not assume that we know this information.
  • If you are uncertain about anything, please ask.
  • If you are unable to provide an answer to a particular question, try to give a reason as to why the information cannot be provided.
  • Ensure that your tender submission meets the specification of requirements and that all the questions and/or criteria are answered and responded to in detail.
  • Include copies of all current certificates or policies that are requested and ensure that they are included in an appendix and cross referenced accordingly.
  • Please ensure that you complete the Pricing schedule and ensure that you are able to sustain the price quoted for the required period. Some tenders may also require a detailed costings breakdown.
  • Ensure that you submit your tender electronically via Bravo by the stated deadline. Late tenders will be rejected.


  • Do not assume that we know everything about your company and the goods and services that you provide. This is particularly applicable to companies who are currently or have previously contracted with the Authority. Tenders will be evaluated on your written submission and not any previous experience of dealing with us.
  • Do not send company accounts or reports unless we specifically ask for them. If required, the Council will specify in the tender document the type of financial information to include.
ID: 568, revised 29/11/2023