Tenby Pedestrianisation

Tenby Pedestrianisation

Every Summer the centre of Tenby is mainly a vehicle-free zone.

The Walled Town is pedestrianised between 11am – 5.30pm each day from Monday 1st July to Friday 13th September.

The scheme will operate exactly as it has done in previous years with traffic movements restricted within the eastern, western and core zones of the Walled Town.

Access Permit Application

The way in which permit application forms are administered has changed and are now submitted on line. The link to apply for an Eastern, Western and Core permit can be found above and should completed and returned where the application will be administered and the relevant permit(s) issued and posted back approximately 7-10 days prior the scheme start.

Guidance notes explaining what is a ‘permitted journey’ and a scheme plan showing the three zones can also be found below.

Please note: If you are in possession of a Gold Harbour permit or a Silver Parking Permit for the resident parking schemes at Lower Frog Street, St Julians Terrace, Harbour Area or Paragon, there is no requirement to apply for an access permit as your permit is valid for entry into the Walled Town during scheme hours.

For further information, please contact Tenby.pedestrian@pembrokeshire.gov.uk or phone 01437 764551.

Guidance Notes


This year will see the scheme commence on Monday 1st July and finish on Friday 13th September 2024. As in previous years the order will introduce varying degrees of control on the movement of vehicles in three areas of the Walled Town. These are the core area, the western area and the eastern area.

The Core Area

This relates to High Street (from the junction with Crackwell Street to Tudor Square), Tudor Square, Church Street and St Nicholas Lane.  This area to be traffic free except as follows:

a) Access to a wedding for up to three vehicles. Authorisation of additional vehicles in exceptional circumstances to be determined by the Head of Infrastructure.

b) Access for a cortege of funeral cars and the vehicles of close relatives and persons with limited mobility through age or infirmity attending the funeral.

c) Vehicle movements as agreed by the Head of Infrastructure or an Officer authorised by him in that respect.

The Western Area

This relates to Lower Frog Street, Upper Frog Street, St Georges Street, St Marys Street, Paragon, Cresswell Street, Cob and Tor Lane. Permitted movement of vehicles will be as in ‘General Permitted Access’ and as follows:

a) Access by business owners and residents to properties and off road parking areas on the above streets, subject to vehicle registrations being notified to the Council.

b) Access by friends and relatives to visit residents where appropriate parking is available.

c) Access by taxis.

d) Access for back up deliveries of perishable goods.

The Eastern Area

This relates to Bridge Street, Crackwell Street, High Street (from the junction with Crackwell Street to the junction with White Lion Street). St Julian Street, Sergeants Lane, Lexden Terrace, roads and parking areas in the Harbour area. Permitted movement of vehicles will be as in ‘General Permitted Access’ and as follows subject to vehicle registrations being pre notified to the Council.

a) Access by business owners and residents to properties and off road parking areas on the above streets.

b) Access by harbour permit holders to defined parking spaces in the harbour.

c) Access to Caldey Island residents

d) Access to the Harbour to deliver / collect bulky or perishable goods in transit to/from Caldey Island.

e) Access to the Harbour to collect substantial amounts of fish or other marine catches which cannot reasonably wait for collection until 5.30pm.

f) Access to the Harbour to deliver large volumes of fuel for tidal sailings where there is inadequate alternative fuel storage available.

g) Phased access to the Harbour in connection with major planned events including weddings and funerals at St Julian’s Chapel.

h) Access via the Harbour to beaches for approved mobile sales vans otherwise restricted for more than two hours by the tides. Exit from the Harbour by mobile sales vans when weather conditions remove customers from the beaches.

i) Access by coastguard and lifeboat personnel responding to an emergency event.

j) Access by taxis.

k) Access for back up deliveries of perishable goods.

l) Access by friends and relatives to visit residents where appropriate parking is available.

General Permitted Access

Access will be maintained for the following:-

Access for emergency vehicles; doctors responding to medical emergencies; access by medical personnel with heavy equipment; tradesmen with heavy equipment undertaking emergency repairs; equipment to clear blocked sewers, drains and gullies; delivery of meals on wheels; carers transporting the person receiving care out of or into town for rehabilitation or recreation; tow or repair vehicles to remove broken down vehicles; delivery vehicles delayed by breakdown or exceptional traffic conditions; furniture removals; the electric vehicle for collection of litter and refuse; and vehicle movements as agreed by the Head of Infrastructure or an Officer authorised by him in that respect.

For further enquiries please contact:

Traffic Section,

Pembrokeshire County Council,

County Hall,





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ID: 6388, revised 01/05/2024