Sight Problems

Specialist Organisations

Pembrokeshire Blind Society supports registered blind of all ages across the county, aiming to improve quality of life and promote independence. Services and support includes:

  • Providing specialist aids and equipment
  • Providing grants where appropriate.
  • Supporting local social groups for visually impaired people. (VIP Groups)
  • Providing a monthly audio magazine.
  • Supporting a local talking newspaper

Tel: 01437 781419

RNIB (Royal National Institute of Blind People)
RNIB Cymru, Jones Court, Womanby Street, Cardiff, CF10 1BR

Tel: 029 2082 8500


Helpline 0303 123 9999 (Monday to Friday 8.45am to 6pm; Saturday 9 – 4pm)

Macular Society
Head Office, Crown Chambers, South Street, Andover,

Helpline: 0300 3030 111

Partially Sighted Society
1 Bennetthorpe, Doncaster, DN2 6AA

Tel: 0844 477 4966

Action for Blind People
53 Sandgate Street, London, SE15 1LE

Tel: 01302 965195


Guide Dogs for the Blind Association

Tel: 0118 983 5555

Guide Dogs Cymru

Building 3, Eastern Business Park, St  Mellons, Cardiff.

Tel:0118 983 8746

Deafblind UK

Deafblind UK
National Centre for Deafblindness
19 Rainbow Court
Paston Ridings

Tel/Textphone: 01733 358 100

Deafblind UK is a national charity supporting people with sight and hearing loss to live the lives they want.
We help people to live with deafblindness by making connections, building their confidence and independence.
Living with combined sight and hearing loss can be frightening. Our team of experts is here every step of the way to reassure, advise or just to be someone to turn to if there is no one else.
Our services include:

  • Helpline
  • Wellbeing and emotional support
  • Care and support
  • Supported living
  • Befriending
  • Social groups
  • Technology
  • Open Hand magazine
  • Holidays
  • Empowering support


Useful links:

Dewis Cymru is the place to go if you want information or advice about your well-being – or want to know how you can help somebody else.

ID: 2136, revised 10/03/2023