Service Users

Choosing the right activity for your care needs

Day Opportunities accessed through Pembrokeshire County Council are currently only available to those with an assessed need. Therefore, you will only be able to book if the day opportunities team (DOIT) have registered your account.

The activities available are categorised into Tiers, this allows our service users the ability to choose their activity based on the type of support that is offered on site. 

Tier 1 Activities

These activities only provide an instructor. You will need to book 48 hours in advance of the session.

Please note if you require any personal care you would need to bring a personal assistant or family member with you.

Tier 2 Activities

These activities provider group support, staff will be on site to support groups of individuals to undertake their activities. Once you have visited your chosen provider and they have agreed your placement, you will be given access to book your chosen activity.

Please note if you require any personal care you would need to bring a personal assistant or family member with you.

Tier 3 Activities

These activities are bespoke offerings to those who require one to one support, many with personal care provision. This will be discussed with you during your assessment and the number of approved 1:1 hours outlined in your care plan. Once you have found the right provider, we will ensure your booking is available to purchase through the booking platform.

Managed Accounts

If you do not have anyone available to book your activities for you and you are not able to book for yourself, you can request a managed account. Our team will make the purchases on your behalf, but you will still be responsible for communicating any changes to regular services to the team in line with your provider’s terms and conditions, e.g. cancelling due to illness. 

ID: 11920, revised 02/08/2024

What Are Day Opportunities?

Day opportunities aim to support you with maintaining independence, personal development and inclusion in local community life. Services support people with different needs, from low-level support through to more intensive personal care. They offer the chance to socialise and meet new people.  A range of voluntary and private organisations provide the activities across Pembrokeshire, as well as the Local Health Board and our Adult Care Services. The types of activities available are wide ranging and can vary in provision, some are only offered to people referred through our Adult Care team while others are open to anyone. All encourage the strong, essential social interaction that every individual needs. We may be able to arrange transport to your activities where there is an assessed need.


You can contact the Day Opportunities information Team by:


Telephone No: 01437 764551

ID: 9472, revised 16/03/2023

Accessing Day Opportunities

We have streamlined the way you can access day opportunities in Pembrokeshire.

In the first instance, please contact Pembrokeshire Community Hub on 01437 723660 who will be able to check whether there are options already within the community – these are quicker to access and sometimes, closer to you as well.

If you are unable to find a community option you will be referred for a needs assessment. This will include a financial assessment to see whether or not you need to make a contribution to the cost of a day opportunity.

If we assess you as having eligible care needs, we will work with you and your carers to draw up a care and support plan. This will be based on what 'outcomes' you'd like to achieve. For example, you may wish to make use of facilities in the local community and meet new people.  You will also be asked to complete a financial assessment to decide whether or not you will need to pay for some or all of the day opportunities you use. 

Once your care and support plan has been developed and we have decided on your eligible funding amount, we will support you to access the range of activities available that would meet your care outcomes. We can either support you to do this through our online service via telephone (or face to face) or we can set you up on the booking system so that you can choose activities for yourself and pay with your funding amount credited on the system.

Should you wish to purchase activities that are outside your care needs or that are over your level of funding, you can top up the difference using your own funds via debit card.

The system will allow you to browse activities that have been selected as meeting your care outcomes.

It will be your choice which of these activities you wish to access.

Each activity provides a summary of what is on offer and will be listed under one or more of the following group headings

  • The Arts
  • Community Groups and mental health support
  • Physical Activities
  • Work placement

It will also provide information around what provision will be available for you when you attend the activity, such as hoists, changing facilities, 1:1 support and/or wheel chair accessibility.

Currently our new service is open to those in the South West of Pembrokeshire. Traditional referral routes for those accessing Day Opportunities for other areas of Pembrokeshire remain in place as the service develops.


You can contact the Day Opportunities information Team by:


Telephone No: 01437 764551

ID: 9473, revised 11/05/2023

Purchasing Day Opportunities

Your award will be provided to you as a credit on our booking platform. You will be able to use this credit to purchase activities that meet your care outcomes. You can do this yourself or with family support through our online booking platform. Alternatively, you can contact the Day Opportunities Information Team via telephone who can make the booking for you. Should you wish to purchase activities over your credited amount, you can do so by adding personal funds via Debit Card on checkout. 


You can contact the Day Opportunities information Team by:


Telephone No: 01437 764551

ID: 9474, revised 16/03/2023

Assessing Eligible Needs

Finding out what eligible needs a person has starts with a conversation. During this conversation we will ask what matters to you. We will ask you about your circumstances; personal outcomes, barriers to achieving those outcomes, any risks to you or to other persons and your strengths and capabilities. We will also ask you about the support you already receive and we will talk about where you can access support that you need.

There is national eligibility criteria for care and support for adults, children and carers. Eligibility is made up of 4 criteria that must be met for the need to be eligible. There is a criteria table for adults, carers and children. There is an automatic right to eligibility for those at risk of abuse or neglect. 

  • Eligibility is conferred on a need not a person and is not about a right to a service.
  • It is applied to guarantee access to care and support for those who cannot achieve their personal outcomes without it.
  • Some needs may be met through a care and support plan and some through the access to community services.
  • Comminuty services could include those provided by public, private and 3rd sector organisations, as well as community groups, family and friends.
  • If the provision of care and support cannot help the person achieve their outcomes the question of eligibility does not arise. 

Dewis Cymru is the place to go if you want information or advice about your well-being – or want to know how you can help somebody else.

ID: 2014, revised 16/03/2023