Safer Pembrokeshire

Safer Pembrokeshire

What are we?

Safer Pembrokeshire is the Community Safety Partnership for Pembrokeshire. Community Safety Partnerships were established across Wales and England as statutory bodies, following the publication of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. Their aim is to work together to reduce crime and disorder, fear of crime, anti-social behaviour and substance misuse in the local area.

Each Community Safety Partnership has specific crime reduction agreements with the Home Office and works to improve community safety within their local County. Safer Pembrokeshire must regularly review the levels and patterns of crime and disorder, and formulate plans to address the key issues. It also gathers public opinion regarding fear of crime within communities, and reassurance provided by agencies.

Safer Pembrokeshire is funded via a number of grants from the Home Office and the Welsh Assembly Government. These are focused on themes such as Safer Communities, Crime Reduction and Anti-social Behaviour, Domestic Abuse and Substance Misuse. Safer Pembrokeshire also relies on contributions, both monetary and in kind, from partner agencies.

Who are we?

The authorities responsible for delivering the Crime and Disorder Act are the local County Council, Police Force and Authority, Local Health Board and Fire and Rescue Service. Other authorities who have a duty to comply with this include the Wales Community Rehabilitation Company, National Probation Service, the Youth Offending and Prevention Service and the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority.

These authorities have a duty to consider crime and disorder in all of their daily functions, and to do all that they reasonably can to prevent crime and disorder in their local area. This includes a duty to work towards reducing and preventing anti-social behaviour and substance misuse in the County. Safer Pembrokeshire also has additional member agencies including Hywel Dda University Health Board, the Local Criminal Justice Board and Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services (PAVS).

What are our priorities?

Safer Pembrokeshire undertakes regular assessments of crime data, along with consultation with members of the local community, in order to identify issues that are of concern to residents of Pembrokeshire.

Our priorities are;

  • Providing an effective and coordinated response to antisocial behaviour, focusing on prevention and early intervention
  • Reducing the harm caused by substance misuse
  • Protecting every individual's right to be safe 
  • Reducing the impact of reoffending within our communities
  • Preventing violent extremism

What do we provide?

Much of the work within Safer Pembrokeshire is around ensuring that agencies are communicating and working together and have the right policies and plans in place to address local priorities. However, there are a number of front line services provided by Safer Pembrokeshire, including:

  • Services for those misusing substances or those who care for them
  • Schemes to identify and work with prolific offenders
  • Services for victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse
  • Assistance for those suffering from anti-social behaviour
  • Information and equipment to keep yourself and your property safe
  • Safety and security checks/schemes at pubs and clubs
  • Diversionary activities for young people

How do you contact us?

The Safer Pembrokeshire team can be contacted on 01437 775540. You can also get messages to us through your local Neighbourhood Policing Teams.


ID: 2867, revised 18/04/2023