Safeguarding Adults and Children
What to do if you think someone is being abused or if someone is abusing you
If you think someone is being abused, don’t assume that someone else is doing something about it. Make your concerns known to a person in authority that you feel comfortable speaking to, e.g. Social Services, Police, Care Inspectorate Wales, owner or manager of domiciliary or nursing care agency
Contact us
Child Care Assessment Team: 01437 776444
Adult Safeguarding Team: 01437 776056
Social Services out of Hours: 0300 333 2222
In an emergency ring 999
Non-emergency: 101
Other useful links
Childline (opens in a new tab)
Care Inspectorate Wales (opens in a new tab)
Hourglass (opens in a new tab)
Ann Craft Trust (opens in a new tab)
Victim Support (opens in a new tab)
Welsh Womens Aid (opens in a new tab)
Social Services and Well-being Act (Wales) 2014 (opens in a new tab)
Working together to safeguard children (opens in a new tab)
Wales Safeguarding Procedures (opens in a new tab)
Dewis Cymru (opens in a new tab) is the place to go if you want information or advice about your well-being – or want to know how you can help somebody else.