Registration of Food Premises

Who needs to register as a food business?

All premises used as a food business (including market stalls, delivery vehicles and other moveable structures) within Pembrokeshire are required by law to be registered. Registration permits us to identify all food premises in our area and assists us in organising our food premises inspection programme.

If you run a food business within Pembrokeshire you must register any premises you use for storing, selling, distributing or preparing food. Food premises include restaurants, hotels, cafés, shops, supermarkets, staff canteens, kitchens in offices, warehouses, guest houses, delivery vehicles, buffet cars on trains, market and other stalls, hot dog and ice cream vans, etc.

If you use vehicles for your food business in connection with permanent premises such as a shop, or warehouse, you only need to tell the local authority how many vehicles you have. You do not need to register each vehicle separately.

If you have one or more mobile food vehicles, such as an ice cream van or hot dog van, which is normally kept in Pembrokeshire, it must be registered with us, even if you only trade outside of the County of Pembrokeshire

Anyone starting a new food business within Pembrokeshire must register with this Section at least 28 days before commencing trading.

ID: 1545, revised 12/10/2022