Planning and Ecology

Protected Sites

A surprising number of unique habitats and sites can be found in Pembrokeshire and more information about this can be found through the Biodiversity pages.

Internationally Important Sites and Planning  

Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protected Areas (SPA) have been designated in Pembrokeshire under the EC Habitats Directive and the Birds Directive respectively as sites that will make a significant contribution to conserving habitat and species identified as most in need of conservation throughout Europe.

There are several designated SACs in Pembrokeshire and certain aspects of development may impact upon features of the SAC. The Local Planning Authority must make an assessment of the implications of development on the SAC before approving any plan or project by screening the proposals through a Test of Likely Significant Effect (TLSE). If the proposals are likely to have a significant effect an Appropriate Assessment may have to be carried out.

Nationally Important Sites and Planning  

Within the UK sites that are nationally important for plants, animals or geological or physiographical features are protected by law as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs). Within Wales there are 1,019 SSSIs and the smallest of these, a Lesser horseshoe bat roost, is to be found in Pembrokeshire.

Any proposed development that has the potential to harm nationally, regionally or locally important sites will be carefully assessed in accordance with national planning policy guidance. This is to ensure that sites and species dependent on the sites are protected from any potentially adverse impacts as a result of proposed development.       

Any queries relating to protected species and sites should be directed to:
Planning Ecologist
01437 776376

ID: 1947, revised 20/04/2023