Pest Control

Service Standards

You will be contacted within 24 working hours of your request for service either to arrange a date/time for a mutually convenient appointment or for the treatment to be actually undertaken. Generally customers will receive a treatment, particularly for urgent requests, the same or the next working day, but this cannot be guaranteed.


The charges for rats and mice will include two treatments. Pest Control Companies do offer different solutions and numbers of visits for differing fees. Therefore if you wish to check prices for the County Council Service, please see the fees detailed above and make sure if you are comparing prices, that you are comparing the same service. Therefore please ensure that prices quoted by Companies refer to the number of treatments you will receive for the charge quoted. Please also note that the County Council Pest Control Service will charge an additional £30.42 + VAT for any additional visits beyond the standard two treatments and that you will have 8 weeks to make a further request and the receive the service for the £30.42 +VAT fee. Anything later than 8 weeks following the date of the last treatment will have to be re-charged at the rate of £85 +VAT. The Pest Control Officer will be able to advise you following treatment.


The charge for fleas would include for one follow up treatment if required,assuming that all recommendations provided by the pest control officer relating to housekeeping and the treatment of pets have been observed. In households where there are domestic pets eradication of fleas over an extended period of time cannot reasonably be anticipated.

ID: 2303, revised 08/08/2023