Period Poverty

Period Dignity Grant

Since 2019 all Local Authorities in Wales have received funding from Welsh Government, known as the ‘Period Dignity Grant’, to help tackle period poverty across Wales.

In Pembrokeshire all Primary and Secondary schools receive a portion of this funding to support their learners. Each school may spend their funds slightly differently, but they all have the same objective of providing free period products to be distributed in the most practical and dignified way possible to those in need.

The grant also supports our communities by providing free resources via key points of help, such as food banks, community centres and libraries. This year we have trialled a free period product subscription service where resources are posted directly to your home, making sure support is accessible for everyone no matter where in the County you are. This pilot has been a huge success, with over 200 subscriptions now operating across Pembrokeshire, and plans are being made to upscale this service in the new financial year. Updates on how we are planning an even bigger and better subscription service will be shared in the coming months via this page. 

Everyone goes through times when they need a helping hand. If you or someone in your home is finding it hard to source the period products you need, please speak to your Community Connector (Sarah Harvey - 07971 598121) who will be able to advise you on free resources available in your area.

Period Product Pick & Mix

Several creative and innovative projects are being trialled in Pembrokeshire in an effort to combat period poverty across local communities. One of the ways in which this is being achieved is via the ‘Period Product pick & mix’ project, a new opportunity to try a range of sanitary products for free.

Two pick & mix stands have been set up in Pembrokeshire, one at Greenhill School and one at Milford Youth Matters pop-up shop, offering a variety of free sanitary products, from single use pads and tampons to reusable options. The idea is to ensure any financial burden or knowledge barrier is removed from trialling different options, meaning nobody is prevented from accessing choice because of poverty or lack of information.

Cllr Guy Woodham, Cabinet Member for Education and Welsh Language, said: “It’s not just about products, it’s also a platform to share information and guidance of the various products on the market.

“Young people can only make educated decisions if they are equipped with information and resources, so we very much hope that this fun and interactive project will positively impact their menstruation journey.”

Gemma Baker, Policy & Performance Officer for Education and Children’s Services, who has been leading the project, said: “In life there are plenty of things to worry about, but periods shouldn’t be one of them.

“We will continue to work with partners to provide free period products in the most dignified way possible to those in need, and strive to #endperiodpoverty.”

If you have any questions or queries relating to the Period Dignity Grant please feel free to contact us on

Useful links

Bloody Brilliant (opens in a new tab) 

Hey Girls UK video

ID: 9302, revised 20/07/2023