Pembrokeshire Libraries

Narberth Community Library

St. James Street
SA67 7BU


Tel: 01437 775650  

About us

Narberth Community Library is run in a three way partnership by the Friends of Narberth Library, Narberth Town Council and Pembrokeshire County Council.


Narberth Community managed library is moving 

Due to unforeseen circumstances, there will be a slight delay in opening the new library at Town Moor Mews.

We will open as soon as possible and will update in due course as to when that will be.

Any books currently out on loan will have their return date extended.


Opening hours

The opening hours are:

Tuesdays: 10am to 12 noon & 3pm to 5pm

Thursdays: 10am to 1pm & 2pm to 5pm

Saturdays: 10am to 1pm



  • Library space for children and young people
  • Three computers with free internet access, Microsoft Office and scanner
  • Wi-fi (on request)
  • Colour printer


Courses through the medium of Welsh. In order to make it viable for us to us to run courses we need a minimum number of people to take part. Our aim is to provide courses bilingually wherever possible. When you enquire about taking part in a course we will ask you if you would prefer to take part exclusively in Welsh. We will provide courses exclusively in Welsh when numbers reach the minimum level.

ID: 437, revised 19/06/2024