Participation Strategy 2022-27

Our Action Plan 2022 - 2027

Objective 1. Increase awareness, among local people, of the Council’s functions


Action 1

Promote the Council’s vision and key strategic objectives across all communications.

  • By whom: Communications Team (Antony Topazio). 
  • By when: Ongoing 2027.

Action 2

Encourage employees to produce simple communications, in accessible formats, in line with corporate guidance

  • By whom: Communications Team (Antony Topazio)
  •  By when: Ongoing 2027.

Action 3

Maintain an accessible bilingual website, which contains accurate and up-to-date information about the Council’s key functions.

  • By whom: Digital Team (Gareth Johnson). 
  • By when: Ongoing 2027.

Action 4

Maintain commitment to the provision of downloadable / printable information for those without access to the internet (via the Contact Centre)

  • By whom: Digital Team/Contact Centre (Jeremy James). 
  • By when: Ongoing 2027.

Action 5

Maintain current web-casting service, improving opportunities for elected members to participate in hybrid meetings and to use the Welsh language (should they wish to do so) when technologically feasible

  • By whom: Democratic Services (Susan Sanders). 
  • By when: Ongoing 2027.


Objective 2. Increase awareness, among local people, of how to become a member of the Council and what membership entails


Action 1

Maintain and promote the revamped ‘Interested in Becoming a Councillor’ section on the website

  • By whom: Digital Team / Communications Team (Gareth Johnson / Katy Jenkins)
  • By when: Ongoing 2027.

Action 2

Support town and community councils to operate on more a sustainable footing – providing opportunities for people to have more positive experiences of local democracy and improved understanding of what a move to becoming a County Councillor entails

  • By whom: Corporate (David Astins). 
  • By when: Ongoing 2027.

Action 3

Build feedback from members (newly elected in May 2022) into campaign to increase diversity in democracy in the run up to Council elections in 2027.

  • By whom: Democratic Services / Communications Team Corporate (Susan Sanders). 
  • By when: 2026

Action 4

Build feedback from members (newly elected in May 2022) into member induction programme for those elected in 2027

  • By whom: Democratic Services / Learning & Organisational Development (Susan Sanders / Caroline Howe)
  • By when: 2026


Objective 3. Improve access for local people to get information about decisions made, or to be made, by the Council


Information and Resources

Action 1

Promote the revamped ‘The Council and Democracy’ on website

  • By whom: Digital Team / Communications Team (Gareth Johnson / Katy Jenkins)
  • By when: Ongoing 2027
Action 2

Develop an article for the website which brings together information, in one place, on how people can contribute towards decision-making processes and incorporate information into the revamped ‘The Council and Democracy’ section  on the website

  • By whom: Policy 
  • By when: March 2023
Action 3

Maintain publication of forward work programmes within the revamped ‘The Council and Democracy’ on the website

  • By whom: Democratic Services
  • By when: Ongoing 2027
Action 4

Promote the Planning section on the website, taking opportunities to develop wherever possible

  • By whom: Digital Team / Planning (Gareth Johnson / Nicola Gandy)
  • By when: Ongoing 2027
Action 5

Promote the Have Your Say section on the website, including:

  • Retender for contract renewal June 2023
  • To include: explore opportunities for integration with My Account and increase partner agency involvement / access
  • By whom: Digital Team / Policy (Gareth Johnson) 
  • By when: June 2023
Action 6

Continue to collect demographic profiling data via ‘Have Your Say’ to monitor diversity of participation in engagement and consultation activities

  • By whom:  Policy 
  • By when: Ongoing 2027
Action 7

Make complex information more accessible by producing in accessible, bite-sizes formats, and by providing opportunities for people to discuss subjects of interest / proposals etc.

  • By whom:  Communications Team / Policy (Antony Topazio)
  • By when: Ongoing 2027
Action 8

Make appropriate adaptation to methods to meet the needs of different individuals and groups, consider re: accessibility and support for participants (especially vulnerable people and young people).

  • By whom: Communications Team / Policy 
  • By when: Ongoing 2027


Elected Members

Action 1

Elected members appreciated opportunities for cross-party exchange of information, knowledge, ideas etc between older and newer Councillors and would welcome additional sessions on social media, e-newsletters (including data protection), public speaking / facilitation etc

  • By whom: Democratic Services / Learning & Development (Susan Sanders)
  • By when: December 2023
Action 2

Ensure that County Councillors receive the information needed to enable them to act as effective  conduits for the flow of information and ideas to / from their communities and town and community councils

  • By whom: Communications Team /Democratic Services (Antony Topazio / Susan Sanders)
  • By when: Ongoing 2027
Action 3

Encourage County Councillors to meet face-to-face and actively listen to those they represent by providing opportunities via regular surgeries / group discussion sessions within their communities

  • By whom: Democratic Services Committee (Susan Sanders)
  • By when: Ongoing 2027
Action 4

Promote greater understanding / appreciation of the assets and diversity within our communities, so there is better representation by County Councillors

  • By whom: Policy (Dan Shaw)
  • By when: Ongoing 2027
Action 5

Encourage elected members to ensure that the views of partners, stakeholders and participants are treated equitably (i.e. feedback is not ignored)

  • By whom: Democratic Services Committee (Susan Sanders)
  • By when: Ongoing 2027


Engaging Young People in Democracy

Action 1

Ongoing sharing and promotion of Electoral Commission resources via appropriate channels (including tie-in with national promotions such as UK Parliament Week (November) and Welcome to Your Vote Week (January / 3 February)

  • By whom: Electoral Services / Children & Young People’s Rights Team / Communications Team (Sian Waters)
  • By when: Ongoing 2027
Action 2

Training for educators and elected members, using Electoral Commission resources

  • By whom: Electoral Services /Children & Young People’s Rights Team (Sian Waters)
  • By when: Ongoing 2027
Action 3

Support ongoing opportunities for democracy education in line with the new curriculum (e.g. mock elections etc.)

  • By whom: Electoral Services /Children & Young People’s Rights Team (Nadine Farmer)
  • By when: Ongoing 2027
Action 4

Democracy Champion (training of young people to promote via peer groups) scheme and annual event

  • By whom: Electoral Services / Children & Young People’s Rights Team (Nadine Farmer)
  • By when: April / May 2023 and annually thereafter
Action 5

Question Time event each year for young people and Council members

  • By whom: Electoral Services / Children & Young People’s Rights Team / Committee Services (Nadine Farmer)
  • By when: October 2023 (before half-term) and annually thereafter



Action 1

Improve digital connectivity across the county

  • By whom: IT Department (Lee McSparron)
  • By when: Ongoing 2027
Action 2

Support schemes helping people to get online, and to increase digital usage and confidence

  • By whom: Learning Pembrokeshire / Library Service (Steve Davis / Anita Thomas)
  • By when: Ongoing 2027
Action 3

Improve post-decision feedback to those who have had input into the decision (and more widely if appropriate)

  • By whom: Democratic Services (Susan Sanders) / All Service Areas
  • By when: Ongoing 2027


Objective 4. Increase awareness of processes by which local people may make representations to the Council about a decision before, and after, it is made


Action 1

Raise awareness of the ‘Questions to Council’ protocol

  • By whom: Communications Team (Katy Jenkins)
  • By when: Ongoing 2027

Action 2

Raise awareness of the ‘Petition Scheme’

  • By whom: Communications Team (Katy Jenkins)
  • By when: Ongoing 2027

Action 3

Develop guidance for those addressing the Planning Committee and include within the Planning section on the website

  • By whom: Planning (Nicola Gandy)
  • By when: March 2023

Action 4

Ensure those involved with Planning Committee and Licensing Sub-Committee are adequately supported to make and accept appropriate representations

  • By whom: Planning and Licensing (Nicola Gandy / Sarah Johns)
  • By when: Ongoing 2027


Objective 5. Increase awareness of processes by which views of the public can be brought to the attention of overview & scrutiny committees


Action 1

Raise awareness of the ‘Representations to Overview & Scrutiny Committees’ protocol

  • By whom: Communications Team (Katy Jenkins)
  • By when: Ongoing 2027


Objective 6. Increase awareness, among elected members, of the benefits of using social media to communicate with local people


Action 1

As above (Support opportunities for cross-party exchange of information, knowledge, ideas etc. between older and newer Councillors with additional sessions on social media, e-newsletters (including data protection), public speaking / facilitation)

  • By whom: Democratic Services / Learning & Organisational Development (Susan Sanders)
  • By when: December 2023


ID: 11005, revised 26/10/2023