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People want to learn Welsh for various reasons, but most just want to become proficient in the language. If you decide to learn Welsh you could become one of the hundreds of people who succeed in becoming fluent Welsh speakers every year.

Learning Welsh is a lot of fun and any would be student who may be worried about coping with grammar, can be assured that the emphasis today is firmly on spoken Welsh and on using the language from the very beginning.

Please go to Learn Welsh Pembrokeshire (opens in a new tab) for more information or call us on 01437 770180 for advice.

Before you search for a course, there are two important things you should consider: choosing the right level and the right pace.

Choosing the right level

All courses are named in accordance with the national progression framework for Welsh for Adults, which consists of 5 levels:

  • Entry - courses for beginners. The emphasis is on conversational Welsh - discussing personal details and past events are among the topics covered.
  • Foundation - expand on your speaking skills. Family, work and hobbies are among the topics covered.
  • Intermediate - the emphasis is still on speaking, but a little more writing, reading and listening is introduced. You should feel comfortable holding a conversation on everyday topics by the end of this level.
  • Advanced - still concentrating on oral skills, you'll also be gradually introduced to Welsh radio, television and newspapers. These courses also help you write competently.
  • Proficiency - courses for people who speak Welsh fluently (as a first or second language) who wish to improve their command of the language.

Choose the Right Pace

The best way to learn a language is to immerse yourself in it, so you should consider going for the most intensive course that you can devote your time to.

As a beginner, you have the option of working at a leisurely pace on courses meeting once a week, or more intensively with two classes a week.

Courses meeting once a week usually cover one of the above levels over two years (three years at Uwch/Advanced) and the more intensive courses cover one level a year. The two paths usually merge as you progress to the higher levels.

Welsh Work

If you work in Wales, the ability to speak Welsh will give you a definite advantage, and could lead to a promotion or a better job.

More and more employers view the Welsh language as a skill needed in the workplace, especially within the public sector where there is requirement and demand for a bi-lingual service.

Every year scores of people attend Welsh classes to improve their career prospects, and this is why:

  • Employees with bilingual skills are more likely to earn between 8 and 10% more than those with no bilingual skills
  • Welsh language skills are an important asset in all public sector organisations
  • As the number of Welsh speakers continues to increase, demand for service through the medium of Welsh will also grow

If you work for Pembrokeshire CC and want more information about learning Welsh at work, please contact Cath Holgate – cath.holgate@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 

Welsh at Home

As more and more children get the advantages of a bi-lingual education and learning Welsh at school, many parents and other family members want to get in on the act. Many of our courses are arranged at times and venues that suit parents and we also offer specific courses enabling you to learn some Welsh that you can use with the children.

Progressing - Examinations

Many Welsh learners find that gaining a qualification is a good way to monitor their progress and is a useful incentive to do some revision!

The WJEC offer four levels of qualification for adults who are learning Welsh, in the ‘Defnyddio'r Gymraeg' series. The levels are Entry, Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced.

Day Courses

Once your course has started you can also boost your learning programme by attending the one-day courses, Sadwrn Siarad and block courses, such as the Easter and Summer courses; these normally take place in our Community Learning Centres.

Tuition is provided at all levels and the number of contact hours is equivalent to that gained in at least two evening classes.

ID: 1938, revised 14/07/2023