Our Action Plan

Carbon footprint - Business Mileage

Business Mileage

Business Mileage

2016/17 (result)

2017/18 (result)

2018/19 (result)

2018/19 v 2017/18 Progress

2018/19 v 2017/18 % change

Carbon emissions (tCO2e) 555 526 544 Declined +3.42%

Mileage (miles) 1,841,242 1,786,730 1,858,148 Declined +3.99%


Note: This indicator covers work-related duties undertaken by Council staff in their own cars or using pool vehicles.

The Council has reduced carbon emissions from its business mileage by over 1.98% since 2016/17 – from 555 tCO2e to 544 tCO2e. An increase in emissions of 3.42% occurred from 2017/18 into 2018/19.


(1) The performance data quoted in this document uses, where appropriate, UK emission-conversion factors issued by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). These factors are published annually – for example: 

Greenhouse Gas Reporting Conversion Factors (opens in a new tab)



  • The Council is preparing a Green Travel Plan. As part of the Local Transport Plan and Annual Progress report, the Authority is committed to reducing car-related traffic and demonstrating good practice. The travel plan is aimed at promoting sustainable travel choices and reducing reliance on the car. For the benefit of the employer and the employee, PCC intends to encourage staff and others visiting County Hall to use more environmentally friendly and healthier alternatives than driving alone. It is further intended to include commuter journeys, business travel and visitor travel within this approach. Travel plans tackle the financial waste and environmental damage caused by our society’s over-reliance on private motor transport. The Green Travel Plan will cover commuter journeys, business travel, pool cars and visitor travel to and from the Council’s workplaces, and will explore alternatives to travel such as video conferencing, home working and flexible/Agile/Smart working hours. This plan should aim to take advantage of the lower pollution and emissions levels resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic in order to argue that these should be maintained for the good of people and the environment.
  • The Council is aiming to increase the number of its electric pool cars (currently two) as an alternative to existing diesel-powered cars.
  • £368,000 grant funding has been obtained from the Welsh Government Local Transport Fund (opens in a new tab) to install 28 fast electric-vehicle charging points (56 sockets – i.e. ‘double-headed’ chargepoints, which are capable of charging two vehicles at once) and two rapid charging points throughout the County.
    • In 2018/19, the Phase 1 rollout of 16 ‘fast’ chargeposts (32 sockets) occurred at eight locations.
    • In 2020, the Phase 2 rollout is nearly complete and will add 12 more fast charging facilities (24 sockets) at seven further locations. Phase 2 will also see the installation of two rapid chargeposts at two strategic transport and tourist locations (Haverfordwest and Tenby) adjacent to the trunk-road network in Pembrokeshire.
    • PCC has also supported the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority (PCNPA) by jointly procuring Phase 2 fast electric-vehicle chargers for it at four sites – thus ensuring a joined-up approach to EV charging in the County. See Image 1 for a map of the provision of EV charging in Pembrokeshire in 2020.
    • A Phase 3 bid is being prepared for delivery in 2021/22 and, subject to funding, intends to expand the Council’s charging network further still by adding an additional 26 fast chargeposts (52 sockets) at 11 further locations. Phase 3 would also see the installation of a total of four further rapid chargeposts at four strategic transport and tourist locations adjacent to the trunk-road network and international ferry terminals in Pembrokeshire.
  • The installation of more electric-vehicle chargepoints, including the expansion of charging at County Hall and potentially charging at the Council’s Thornton Depot, will encourage greater use of electric pool cars, which are currently under-used due to a lack of charging facilities for longer journeys.
  • Greater EV charging provision will also encourage wider uptake of ULEVs in the staff ‘grey’ fleet (the fleet of drivers who use their own cars for business purposes – including commuting). The EV charging rolled out so far is aimed at meeting the needs of residents and visitors, and primarily to support and encourage the transition to electric vehicles. Given Pembrokeshire’s established and vital tourism industry, the project also enables the County to promote the concept of ‘eco-tourism’ to visitors.
  • PCC has engaged (May 2020) with WGES to undertake a full review of fleet and business transport, in order to ascertain the business and environmental case for switching to ULEVs.
  • Staff pool bicycles are provided in and around Haverfordwest to help reduce business mileage associated with short journeys. In addition, the Council operates a staff cycle-to-work scheme (opens in a new tab) with the intention of these bicycles being used for commuting and business journeys.
  • The Council is installing a hydrogen-vehicle refueller at Milford Marina under the Milford Haven: Energy Kingdom (MH:EK) project, whereby it is intended that two Riversimple Rasa Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (HFCEV) will be used by PCC and Port of Milford Haven staff for business trips. The aim of the project is to gather data to support the business case and demand for, and to demonstrate the usability of, HFCEV vehicles.


Image 1. 2020 Map of EV charging locations owned by PCC and PCNPA


2020 Map of EV charging locations owned by PCC and PCNPA
























An appropriate carbon-reduction target is to be developed as part of the annual review of the Action Plan.


Actions to be undertaken
Ref: NZC - 15
  • Action: Prepare a Green Travel Plan, including undertaking a review of the Council’s pool cars to identify opportunities for the introduction of ULEVs.
  • Lead officer: Head of Infrastructure
  • By when: Mar 2021
Ref: NZC - 16
  • Action: Continue to expand the Council-owned EV-charging network.
  • Lead officer: Head of Infrastructure
  • By when: First annual review Mar 2021
Ref: NZC - 17
  • Action: Develop appropriate carbon-reduction target for the Council’s business mileage as part of annual review of Action Plan.
  • Lead officer: Head of Infrastructure
  • By when: Mar 2021
Ref: NZC - 18
  • Action: Gather data to support the business case and demand for, and to demonstrate the usability of, HFCEV vehicles.
  • Lead officer: Head of Infrastructure / Sustainable Development & Energy Manager
  • By when: Mar 2022
ID: 11711, revised 08/08/2024