Joint Housing Land Availability Studies

Change in process

Please see our Annual Monitoring Report for our Latest Housing Trajectory.

Local planning authorities are required by Planning Policy Wales to ensure that sufficient land is available, or will become available, for a five-year supply of land for housing. To demonstrate this, local planning authorities prepare a Joint Housing Land Availability Study each year.

Pembrokeshire County Council's study is undertaken with:

  • The Home Builders Federation;
  • Dwr Cymru Welsh Water;
  • Pembrokeshire Coast National Park;
  • Pembrokeshire Housing Association;
  • Tai Cantref;
  • Linc Cymru;

The purpose of the Studies is:

  • to provide an agreed statement of housing land availability for development planning and development management purposes; and
  • in situations where an insufficient supply is identified, to outline the measures a local planning authority is taking to address the shortfall.

The Studies provide part of the evidence base for local development plans and monitoring / review, including information on:

  • housing completions;
  • land availability on previously developed land; and
  • land availability on sites subject to flood risk.

Guidance on the preparation of the Studies, is set out in Technical Advice Note 1, .  The Studies are prepared with a common base date of 1st April every year to provide a comprehensive all-Wales picture of housing land availability.

2019 Study

JHLAS 2019 - Report


2018 Study

JHLAS 2018 - Report


2017 Study

JHLAS 2017 - Report


2016 Study

JHLAS 2016 - Report


2015 Study  

JHLAS 2015 - Report

JHLAS 2015 - Inspector`s Report


2014 Study 

JHLAS 2014 - Report


 2013 Study

JHLAS 2013 - Report

Annex 1 - JHLAS 2013 - Insepector`s Report

Annex 2 - JHLAS 2013 - Site Schedule






ID: 2513, revised 04/07/2022