Living with a Disability

Learning Disabilities

There are many kinds of support available to people with learning disabilities to help them live as independently as possible and play a part in their local community. There is help with learning new skills, finding a place to live, getting a job and speaking up for themselves.

For those who are eligible for help, Adult Care can arrange services which might include:

  • Day Opportunities – Social Activity Centres and services in the community
  • Short breaks and respite
  • Supported employment
  • Adult placement 

Independent information, advice and help 

Some people will need the kind of support that can only be given by organisations who have special skills or knowledge. The following are some helpful contacts:

Learning Disability Strategy 

The Partnership Board is in the process of renewing the next 5 year strategy for 2023-2028 and are now considering all the actions that have been completed on the previous LD strategy and will produce an end of strategy report.


Dewis Cymru (opens in a new tab) is the place to go if you want information or advice about your well-being – or want to know how you can help somebody else.

ID: 10680, revised 24/08/2023