Caravan and Tent Site Licensing

Fire Precautions

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (the RRO) applies to caravan sites. The RRO disapplies some fire related standards that are in current site licensing conditions. The local Fire & Rescue Authority are the main enforcers of the RRO, however, local authority inspectors are still required to check that site owners are complying with the obligations under it. In particular, site owners must carry out a fire risk assessment and make this available to the inspectors. The Communities and Local Government website contains a range of helpful information on fire safety and the requirements of the RRO. This includes links to technical guides for specific types of accommodation, including one for sleeping accommodation.

The fire precautions laid down in your current licence conditions or provided in supplementary guidance when your licence was issued, provide a useful benchmark for the sort of preventative and protective measures that may be necessary following completion of a fire risk assessment, and you are encouraged to check your individual site licence to ensure that the fire precautions listed are complied with or equally effective measures are in place. General Fire Precautions

For further guidance on the implications of the RRO, please contact The Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service.

ID: 1523, revised 08/02/2023