Housing Support

Developments outside of HSP Strategy

Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan


Local authorities across Wales have created Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans in order to implement this new approach to homelessness in Wales. The Transition Plan in Pembrokeshire was created in collaboration with multiple relevant agencies, such as PCC Housing, RSL partners, HSG-funded support services, mental health services, drug and alcohol services, Probation and Prison Service, and Hywel Dda University Health Board.

The Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan was created to align with the HSP Strategy and its priorities, in order to create a comprehensive, consistent approach to homelessness in Pembrokeshire.


Youth Engagement and Progression Framework


The Youth Engagement and Progression Framework has been created with the aim of intervening at the earliest possibility in order to deliver support to young people, in a collaborative effort to prevent homelessness and poverty.

As part of delivering this Framework, the Youth Service in Pembrokeshire, in collaboration with the Housing and HSG teams, have developed an extensive system to identify early indicators of youth homelessness, looking at things such as school exclusions.

Strong partnership working is needed to develop this further, such as recording homeless young people who are part of a household, but not a lead applicant, as they are not currently recorded as homeless.


Increasing the supply of housing


There were significant delays in our development programme that were outside of our control, such as the pandemic and construction company going into administration. After these delays, we have completed Phase 1 and 2 of the Old School Lane site in Johnston. Allocations to these properties were made in late 2023, with tenants moving in early 2024. The completion of Tudor Place in Tiers Cross has been done, with sign up due in early summer 2024.

As well as our own development programme, there are the developments of our RSL partners, including new partners coming on board. 

We are continuing to increase the supply of housing through our acquisitions and our Welsh Government Leasing Scheme. 


Allocations Policy Review


The current Choice Homes @ Pembrokeshire Allocations Policy was drafted in 2014 and is no longer reflective of the pressures we are facing in housing, with increases of both homeless presentations and number on the social housing register. As a result of the pandemic and cost of living crisis, and the inaccessibility of the private rented sector, we are seeing more people turn to social housing who would ordinarily be accommodated in the private sector.  The Allocations Policy has been reviewed and updated in order to allow for more dynamic and flexible allocations in social housing, with the aim to relieve some of the pressure on our register.

The biggest change proposed is the ‘closing’ of the register to those from outside of the county. Currently, anyone can join the social housing register and be allocated a property. With the new changes, applicants must prove that they have been living in Pembrokeshire for at least 5 years, or 5 years continuously in the last 15 years. This will bring us in line with our regional partners and ensure that the scarce resource of social housing is reserve for those in Pembrokeshire with most housing need.

ID: 12752, revised 19/02/2025