Host Information Centre

Thank You Payments

Whilst hosting you should not charge your Ukrainian guests any rent. The government appreciates people’s generosity and understands that there are cost associated with helping out.

An optional ‘thank you’ payment of £500 per month is available to people who can accommodate/host Ukrainian guests. The payment is limited to one payment per residential address. Sponsors will receive the payment for up to 12 months, or for a shorter time period if the hosting arrangement ends sooner or if they opt out.  Sponsors must notify the Council if the hosting arrangement ends sooner than the 12 months.  

This payment is made in arrears and you need to host someone for a minimum of 15 calendar days to be eligible for that month’s payment.

UK Government is ensuring that these payments will not affect any benefit entitlement and remain completely tax-free.

Once housing, DBS and Safeguarding checks are complete, sponsors are sent a form for completion should they wish to opt in for the payment.

ID: 9083, revised 17/03/2023