Healthy Options Award

Who can apply?

Within Pembrokeshire the Award is generally open to catering businesses targeting young persons and families, in line with wider health improvement priorities.  In addition, applications are invited from larger workplaces etc. with canteen facilities, and  a substantial number of regular customers, where the food offering may make up a significant part of the diet. 

A further stipulation is that the food business is also ‘broadly compliant' or better with food safety requirements, attracting a score of 3 or above under the national Food Hygiene Rating Scheme, to help ensure that any food is safe as well as healthier. 

What's in it for me?

The Healthy Options Award is good for:

  • You
  • Your Business
  • Your Customers

You could make a tremendous contribution to improving your customers' diet and health by providing healthier food choices.

You'll have public recognition for achieving the award and could enhance your image as a responsible business that puts its customers first.  It could give you a competitive edge and increase customer satisfaction as the demand for healthier choices continues to grow-many food manufacturers and retailers who have introduced healthier options are seeing growth in sales.

Your customers will be able to benefit from the freedom to select a healthy option if they choose and have more control over what they eat, and ultimately, their health.

What will I need to do?

To achieve an Award your business will be assessed against certain criteria that are based on the principles of a healthy balanced diet such as keeping fat, sugar and salt to a minimum, making fruit and vegetables widely available and basing main meals on starchy carbohydrates.  You will also be assessed on having appropriate marketing and promotion of the healthier options.

Please note that the Eatwell Plate referred to on page 8 of the above guide has been replaced by the Eatwell Guide and accompanying Booklet

If you require further details, would like to obtain further advice or support in pursuing an Award, or are interested in making an application, please contact:

Kate Smith

Community Nutrition Practitioner

Hywel Dda Health Board

Tel: 01437 772883  

Fax: 01437 772887


Further support materials are also available via the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (Cymru) website.

ID: 1603, revised 28/09/2023