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The Future of Haverfordwest Community Engagement Event

Western Quayside, The Future of Haverfordwest, Community Engagement event, Your Voice Matters

Help us shape the vision for your town

Thank you for joining this event about the future of Haverfordwest town centre. Your feedback is greatly appreciated as we work together to breathe new life and vibrancy into the heart of our town.


Our aim is to ensure that the offering for Haverfordwest is exciting and vibrant - our plans aim to:

  • Revitalise the town centre by improving the environment and public realm.
  • Activate the riverside and attract new businesses to create a lively hub for residents and visitors.
  • Improve transport infrastructure through the new interchange, accessible pedestrian and cycle routes and town centre wayfinding.
  • Create new open spaces and more green space along the riverside for the community to enjoy.
  • Enhance Haverfordwest’s heritage, arts and culture offering.
  • Continue to support existing businesses and community groups.


Please take a moment to complete the Future of Haverfordwest Community Engagement Survey and provide feedback on what is most important to you.

The feedback gathered will play a pivotal role in shaping the evolving plans for Haverfordwest Town Centre.

As designs evolve, follow-up events will be hosted later this year, providing further opportunities for discussion and input.


We can’t do this alone – your voice matters!

You can give your views by completing our Future of Haverfordwest Community Engagement Survey.


Please complete the survey by 31st August 2024.


Brand Consultation Summary

Below is a brief summary of the findings of a previous consultation on the brand identity for the town.

“Its sense of history and some of the lovely buildings, the river.”


What's the best thing about Haverfordwest?

“We have a river running through the town, walks available in close proximity. Everything is in walking distance. There are some lovely independent traders. Farmers’ Market; Food festival; Haverhub.”

“There are a lot of committed people who want to do the best for the town. A progressive town council. Rich, historic architecture and streetscape.”

“It is the nearest town to us (we live 10 miles away), and so it is vital to have public services there, good shops and leisure facilities.”


What are the areas for improvement?

“Too many vacant shopping units, Bridge Street is looking neglected and run down. Not enough variety of shops to encourage people into the town or stay longer.”

“The run-down condition of the High Street and the surrounding roads.”


What does Haverfordwest mean to you?

“It doesn’t have the beauty you think of when you think of Pembrokeshire, but it is in many ways the centre of Pembrokeshire. For me, it’s a hub connecting to many places of interest.”

“My county town where I was born, where I went to school and where I visit at least weekly. I would not want it turned into a tourist destination but be a social hub for local people.”

“It's the county town that I've lived in all my life. We have a beautiful castle and a lovely river through the town centre.”


What have we done so far? 

Celebrating new developments within Haverfordwest town centre


Haverfordwest now

The Library and National Gallery

Glan-y-Afon Library, Gallery and Visitor Centre is situated at a central location. It serves as a vital space for community gatherings, educational programmes and cultural events, enhancing the social fabric of Haverfordwest.

The library’s inclusive environment reflects the essence of a thriving and interconnected community, making it an integral part of Haverfordwest’s identity and character.


Riverside shopping

The council’s acquisition of Riverside Shopping Centre has the potential to be pivotal to the regeneration of the town.

The purchase has resulted in enhancements, including the addition of new tenants, creating an overall more dynamic and bustling shopping atmosphere.


Western Quayside

The transformation of the former Ocky White’s department store into the newly developed Western riverside represents a significant moment in the town’s regeneration.

Western Quayside is poised to become a vibrant hub for food and beverage outlets. Its strategic location along the quayside is a key driver for the town’s economic growth.


Current projects

Exciting initiatives currently underway


Haverfordwest Castle

The Heart of Pembrokeshire project is currently underway with a key focus on the regeneration of Haverfordwest Castle. This ambitious initiative includes several exciting developments: a flagship heritage-based visitor attraction in the redeveloped Gaol Building, the refurbishment of Governor’s House to showcase Haverfordwest’s rich history, and a 500-seat outdoor events area with a vibrant seasonal programme set to open in Spring 2027.

Conserving the castle walls will preserve the monument for future generations. Improved signage and access throughout the town will create an inviting environment, ensuring everyone can enjoy the castle’s historic and cultural treasures.

Castle Square & Castle Link

In April 2024, the people of Haverfordwest were invited to actively participate in shaping the future of Castle Square. Through pop up events, creative sessions and opportunities to chat, community views have been gathered.

The pedestrian access route to the castle via Castle Link needs to be made more visible and accessible. The square also has the potential to become more of a hub of social interaction, with better seating, lighting and greenery where regular events and activities for all age groups could take place.

A design team led by landscape architects Austin-Smith: Lord are now working on concept designs to address all of these concerns that will be shared with the public in Autumn 2024. Redevelopment work will take place from 2024-25.

Streetscape Paint Scheme

A shop-front painting scheme has been introduced for properties within the town centre. This initiative is funded by the Shared Prosperity Fund, as part of the UK Government’s Levelling Up agenda and presents an opportunity to transform these historical streets, supporting businesses to encourage footfall. The aim is to improve the aesthetic appeal of these areas, creating an attractive environment that captures the interest of residents, businesses and visitors, increasing footfall and inspiring further regeneration and economic activity.

New Footbridge

The existing pedestrian footbridge is coming to the end of its life, and this project involves the installation of a new footbridge connecting Riverside Shopping Centre and Western Quayside.

The new bridge, along with improved wayfinding and the castle link improvements will create better connectivity from the new transport hub, to Western Quayside, Castle Square and the Castle itself.

New Transport Interchange

The proposed integrated transport interchange, incorporating a bus terminal and carpark presents an opportunity to create a gateway location at this new, modern facility.

The interchange is conveniently located in the centre of the town, and will bring increased footfall directly into the Riverside Shopping Centre and into the town centre.


Evolving Town 

The story of Haverfordwest

We welcome your views on the future of your town centre.

 The story of Haverfordwest over the ages 1100’s – Image of Queens Square 1300’s – St Mary’s Market 1600’s – Consolidation 1800’s - Swan Square and Castle Square 2000’s – Riverside Square 2024 – What is important to you?

  1. Queen’s Square: Development around the Norman fortifications focused on its landward west gate, enclosing Queen’s Square, the commercial nucleus of the growing new settlement.
  2. St Mary’s Market: In the 13th century, market status was granted, witnessing a shift in Haverfordwest’s commercial focus southwards to St Mary’s Market.
  3. Consolidation: In the 14th and 17th centuries, the Black Death and the Civil War slowed the growth of the town. Focal points began to consolidate at the northern end of Bridge Street around the eastern gate and at the town’s southern end.
  4. Swan Square & Castle Square: The arrival of the railway in the 1850s cemented the town centre for trade and industry, including two new squares connecting the High Street with New Bridge.
  5. Riverside Square: In the 20th century, Riverside Shopping Centre on the east bank added a fifth square and brought a new footbridge. This shopping centre has affected the vibrancy of the traditional streets, which now struggle with a radically altered retail landscape.


What is important to you?


People & Community

Support for community projects

Haverfordwest has much to celebrate!


St David’s Day Parade

St Davids Day Parade, organised by Pembrokeshire Language Forum, with sponsorship from Milford Haven Port Authority and support from Pembrokeshire County Council, has been growing every year.



The Haverfoodfest provides the community with gastronomic delights, showcasing the best of local food business and suppliers – making it a must-attend event for both locals and visitors.


Haverfordwest Yarn Bombers

The Haverfordwest Yarn Bombers add an artistic touch to the town. Their creative masterpieces bring a sense of wonder and creativity, making the town a visually enchanting place. It’s exciting when local artists and creative groups contribute to the cultural tapestry of a community.



The presence of Haverhub and its year-round events calendar is fantastic. Community networking groups play a crucial role in building connections and fostering a sense of unity among residents. In Haverfordwest, it’s great to see people coming together to share and engage in various activities throughout the year.


Haverfordwest already has so much to offer:

  • Castle
  • Lantern Parade
  • Skatepark
  • Farmers’ Market
  • Haverfordwest Rugby Club
  • The Bluebirds
  • Haverfordwest Hornets Cycling Club



Proud of our heritage


Strong heritage roots

Haverfordwest has a long and interesting history, which this map shows. Over the centuries, Haverfordwest has served as:

  • A frontier town and fortress for the Normans
  • A major port and principal trading centre for West Wales
  • The administrative hub for Pembrokeshire


A historic castle town discovered

Located at the top of the hill within the town, the castle maintains its defensive position. Established during the Norman era, the castle remains a prominent landmark for the town alongside the Western Cleddau.


Haverfordwest discovered

Our town has the potential to evolve into an important tourist destination, expanding its marketing presence for increased profile.

Heritage of Haverfordwest map and key: 1.	Haverfordwest Castle 2.	Bethesda Baptist Chapel 3.	St Martin of Tours Church 4.	St Mary’s Church 5.	The Shire Hall 6.	Foley House 7.	Site of St Saviours Dominican Friary 8.	Haverhub – Formally the post office 9.	Haverfordwest Priory


  1. Haverfordwest Castle
  2. Bethesda Baptist Chapel
  3. St Martin of Tours Church 
  4. St Mary’s Church
  5. The Shire Hall
  6. Foley House
  7. Site of St Saviours Dominican Friary
  8. Haverhub, formerly the Post Office
  9. Haverfordwest Priory


Public Realm


An ambition to activate the riverside

A place to eat, drink and relax in a beautifully landscaped setting by the riverside.


New urban realm, green spaces

We propose to link all the development sites with a series of green public spaces to encourage footfall between the new sites. We will be promoting a modal shift of transport to cycling and walking and trying to bring green links into the heart of the town.

  • River bank at Riverside Shopping
  • Bridge Meadow Park
  • Haverfordwest Priory
  • Priory Saltings Nature Reserve
  • Western Cleddau


Pocket Parks

Introducing green infrastructure and pocket parks in the heart of Haverfordwest represents a nod to its historical past. The site was formerly a Jubilee Ground park, and is positioned at the emerging Interchange project east of the Western Cleddau.

  • Priory Saltings viewpoint
  • Priory Ruins
  • Riverside links

Cleddau Reaches Walkway, managed by Pembrokeshire County Council, is a scenic route linking green spaces to the town centre. The walk encompasses Bridge Meadow at one end and extends around to the Old Mill Ground. It then goes from the Priory Ruins to Priory Saltings at the opposite end.

As part of our commitment, we will aim to improve and expand green spaces along the riverside, including enhanced tree-planting.


Mix of use

A vibrant urban centre


Enhancing Bridge Street and High Street

Our proposals seek to reaffirm Bridge Street and High Street as the major retail core within Haverfordwest town centre, with Castle Square as a connecting piece.

We aim to upgrade the High Street with improved shopfronts, surfaces, lighting and street furniture.

Connections to the lanes and side streets will be signalled to promote routes and loops to and from High Street.

Castle Square

Our strategy aims to celebrate Haverfordwest’s ancient market town status by utilising and enhancing Castle Square as the main Market Square. The square will provide flexible space for the weekly Farmers’ Market and an exciting calendar of events, with improved surfaces and street furniture.


Local independent retail offering

An opportunity exists to celebrate the local produce and crafts of Haverfordwest by utilising vacant units on High Street and Bridge Street.

These spaces could serve as thriving hubs for local community businesses, aligning with popular principles of the ‘circular economy’.


The vision & precedent: Narberth High Street thrives on the local economy and a close-knit community spirit.



A connected town centre

Map of proposal of upgrade to current pathways and connections between Bridge Street and across the river plus improvements to town centre connections

Infrastructure & connectivity

Our approach will look to improve gateways, entrances and wayfinding to the town centre through improved connecting routes, signage and lanes.

We will aim to upgrade existing pathways and connections between Bridge Street and across the river, utilising the existing lanes and making them a destination in their own right.

Connecting all the back streets to the river, providing wayfinding signage in these streets and utilising the lanes, making them a destination in their own right.

  • Skinners Lane
  • Hole in the Wall
  • Riverside Arcade
  • Friar’s Lane

Creating a clear circular route around the town centre, could serve as an urban design strategy that will positively impact the town’s connectivity, improve wayfinding and boost community engagement.


Creating a diverse, connected town

Introducing green infrastructure brings the opportunity to enhance wayfinding and improve connections in the town centre.

The initiative aims to enhance the residential community and consolidate retail offerings with an ambition to activate the riverside and enhance green infrastructure.

The site strategy will focus on an integrated design that connects with heritage, mixed-use zoning, cultural districts and efficient transport hubs. It will therefore create a dynamically connected town centre with a rich blend of cultural and commercial assets.


Potential zone for development

*New riverside square

Potential to activate the riverside


What is most important to you?

Have your say...

  • Work
  • Meet friends & socialise
  • Community events
  • Shop
  • Visit cafés, bars & restaurants
  • Family activities/Play
  • Sit & relax
  • Celebrate the local heritage
  • Exercise

Thank You

We want to hear your views!


Thank you for taking the time to view this engagement event. Please take a moment to complete the online feedback form and provide your views on what is most important to you!

Your feedback is much appreciated. The views and data gathered from the in-person event and the survey will play a pivotal role in shaping the evolving plans for Haverfordwest Town Centre.

As plans and designs evolve, follow-up events will be hosted later this year, providing further opportunities for discussion and input.


Next Steps

On conclusion of this event, we will analyse the feedback received to understand the concerns and priorities of the town and its residents. 

All ideas and proposals will be evaluated and developed in line with the Placemaking Wales Charter which promotes the following principles in the planning, design and management of new and existing places:

  • People & Community
  • Location
  • Movement
  • Mix of uses
  • Public Realm
  • Identity


This will ensure that all proposals complement each other, contributing to an integrated vision for the development of Haverfordwest.

ID: 11863, revised 19/07/2024