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Proposed Well-being Objectives for 2025-2030

3rd February 2025

This consultation has closed. Thank you for your participation.  

About the consultation

Under the Well-being of Future Generations Act, the Council is required to produce well-being objectives to demonstrate the contribution the Council will make towards the national well-being goals for Wales established by Welsh Government in the Act. Our Corporate Strategy is the vehicle through which the Council sets and expresses our well-being objectives. These are important in the sense that they provide a framework for all the work that we do and set the direction for how the Council intends to make a difference in improving the well-being of the people and communities in Pembrokeshire.

Our current well-being objectives and Corporate Strategy was agreed by Council in May 2023.  We are proposing to reduce the number of well-being objectives from 12 to four in order to provide a sharper focus around the key challenges and opportunities facing the Council.

Our draft well-being objectives

  • Our Future - enabling the best start in life for our children and young people, equipping them with skills for the future
  • Our Place - prosperous places, with clean, safe and sustainable environments, where people can live well and thrive
  • Our Communities - caring for people, and enabling active, resourceful and connected communities
  • Our Council - a financially sustainable, well-governed Council, with a workforce equipped to support the people we serve

Your views

This is your chance to tell us what you think about these objectives and what we will do to achieve these. You can view the objectives Draft Corporate Strategy 2025-30 and what we will do to deliver these.  

You can give your views by completing the online response form.

If you would like a paper copy please call our Customer Contact Centre on 01437 764551 or email enquiries@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  so we can make arrangements to send this to you.  Please return to policy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk or by post to Pembrokeshire County Council, Policy and Partnership Team, County Hall, Haverfordwest, SA61 1TP.

The closing date for completed responses is 2nd February 2025.

The information gathered during the consultation will be used to help Councillors in deciding the well-being objectives that form the framework for our Corporate Strategy 2025 - 2030.

Why does Pembrokeshire County Council need to develop new corporate well-being objectives?

We have an obligation to set well-being objectives and to ensure they remain relevant. Well-being objectives must be designed to maximise our contribution to achieving each of the seven national wellbeing goals in the Well-being of Future Generations Act. The overall aim of the well-being objectives is to carry out sustainable development and Welsh Government has identified five ways of working to follow in order to do this.

Cabinet’s Programme for Administration, which sets out the Executive group’s political priorities, was agreed in 2023. The Programme provides the direction for well-being objectives by identifying what issues are important for Pembrokeshire and where the Executive wants action.

Following consultation, our agreed well-being objectives will be the back-bone of the new Corporate Strategy 2025 – 2030. The actions and measures that will make up the text in the Strategy will show how we will meet the objectives.

We have set out four new well-being objectives. The first three are public facing. These are designed to have a direct impact on individuals’ and communities’ quality of life. The final well-being objective is focused on how the Council works. This underpins and supports the delivery of the first three well-being objectives.

Following consultation, we will decide upon our final set of well-being objectives. When we publish these in the Corporate Strategy we will include a statement on how the final well-being objectives meet our duties under the Well-being of Future Generations Act.

This will detail how the final objectives:

  • meet the seven national well-being goals
  • how we have applied the sustainable development principle (via the five ways of working
  • how we have involved people, and
  • reflect the diversity of our communities. 

The final version of the Corporate Strategy will be approved by full Council.


ID: 12466, revised 03/02/2025