Food Sampling

What samples are taken to check the composition and labelling of foods?

The analysis of food, to ascertain whether foodstuffs comply with current compositional and labelling requirements, is carried out by the Authority's appointed Public Analyst, Public Analyst Scientific Services in Wolverhampton.

The Food Team carries out routine sampling and also sampling of complaint samples. In general, complaint items will only be sent for analysis/examination where formal action might be contemplated.

The sampling program  concentrates on areas where we believe there may be problems, but also checks   Pembrokeshire manufacturers and other suppliers . 

Food that may be checked include:

  • Meat products for meat content and species
  • Fresh and frozen chicken for added water and species
  • Kebabs for species
  • Vegetarian meals for meat
  • Spring water for chemical analysis
  • Dairy icecream for milk and vegetabel fats
  • Drinks making health and nutrition claims for illegal claims and nutirtional analysis
  • Cakes, bars and jams making "no added sugar" claims for composition
  • Soft drinks for excessive colours, preservatives and sweeteners
  • Dried fruit  and nuts for mycotoxins
  • Imported fruit  and vegetables for pesticides
  • Products containing almonds or peanut
  • Poultry and eggs for veterinary residues
  • Beers and ciders for mycotoxins and ABV ( alcoholic strength)

Where foods fail to comply with legal standards follow up visits will be made to investigate possible reasons for failure, and the premises will be targeted during subsequent programmes.

If significant fraud, safety issues or consumer prejudice are suspected, formal action may be taken. Typically around 10% of targeted samples do not to conform to set standards,and these are often where the labelling does not reflect the true composition of food.

ID: 1583, revised 12/10/2022