
Home Office Licence

Where Can I Get A Home Office Licence?

Write to: 

The Home Office (opens in a new tab)
Coroners Section - Exhumation Applications
5th Floor, Allington Towers
19 Allington Street


Once the application has been completed Section A needs to be sent to the Council that administers the cemetery where the deceased is buried. They will then investigate their statutory records to ensure details are correct and there are no objections to the exhumation taking place in their cemetery.

The form will then be signed by the cemetery manager and will be forwarded onto the Home Office.

Please Note The Home Office will only accept original signatures, therefore, the form cannot be submitted via Email. 

Is There a Fee For a Licence?

There is currently no fee from the Home Office for issuing a licence.  

What Happens Once I Have Obtained A Licence?  

Once you have obtained all the licences you will need forward these onto the burial authority where the deceased is interred.

A copy of the Home Office Licence will be automatically sent to the areas Environmental Health Department, so they can ensure the safety of public health. They will also be in attendance on the day of exhumation along with the funeral directors and Manager of the Cemetery. If a Bishops Faculty is issued then they will also contact the Environmental Health Department.

Arrangements can then be made to carry out the exhumation and ensure that if any of the licences have special conditions listed these are fully considered.

Contact should also be made with all those involved with the pending exhumation, this maybe the funeral director, the burial authorities, a minister of religion for the re-interment and other family members to ensure that all conditions of the licence(s), and family wishes are adhered to.

Normally exhumations take place early in the morning to ensure maximum privacy.

As soon as reasonably practical after any disinterment, the officer of the burial authority will complete the statutory records.   

ID: 2402, revised 22/11/2023