Health and Safety

Event Health and Safety

As an event organiser, whether a company, individual, charity or community group, you have prime responsibility and an obligation in law, for protecting the health, safety and welfare of everyone working at, or attending the event. 

The Pembrokeshire ESAG Event Organiser’s Checklist is a useful tool which will take you through a series of steps to help make sure you are doing what you need to do.

If you are holding a sporting activity such as a triathlon, sea swim, canoeing, equine or motor racing event then you must also follow the guidelines of the relevant national governing body.

Guidance on Health and Safety at events is provided on Health and Safety Executive. This provides information to help an event organiser understand their legal duties on health and safety, plan an event, review an event once it’s over and plan for incidents and emergencies. It also provides detailed guidance on relevant health and safety topics to help an event organiser with the risk assessment. 

It is imperative that all event organisers review the material on the HSE site directly.  

ID: 4770, revised 08/03/2023