European Unit


European Territorial Co-Operation 

(etc, commonly known as "INTERREG")

INTERREG is a European Union initiative that aims to promote and stimulate cooperation between regions and member states. The current programme is INTERREG IV, which runs from 2007 - 2013, and is funded under the European Regional Development Fund. One of the main objectives is to remove/reduce the influence of national borders, in favour of promoting economic, social and cultural development of the European Union as a whole.

The INTERREG programme is comprised of three separate strands;

Strand A - Cross-border cooperation

Cross-border cooperation between adjacent regions through common development on social and economic strategies. 

Ireland Wales website (opens in a new tab) 

Strand B - Transnational cooperation

The INTERREG IVB Programmes fund projects which contribute to cohesive and sustainable territorial development. Pembrokeshire lies in two Interreg IVB areas, ‘North-West Europe' and the ‘Atlantic Area'. Interreg IVB supports transnational cooperation to address common challenges of Member States, regions and other authorities. In doing so, it strengthens the areas territorial assets and harnesses their potential.

Strand C - Interregional cooperation

The overall objective of the INTERREG IVC Programme is to improve the effectiveness of regional policies and instruments. A project of this type builds on the exchange of experiences among partners who are responsible for the development of their local and regional policies.

The areas of support are innovation and the knowledge economy, environment and risk prevention. Thus, the programme aims to contribute to the economic modernisation and competitiveness of Europe. 

At present, Pembrokeshire County Council is involved in two INTERREG IVA projects (INSPIRE and Age Friendly Communities), and one IVB project (ARCOPOL+).


ID: 2366, revised 20/07/2023