Council Tax Discounts

People that are not counted (disregarded) for Council Tax

Certain people can be 'disregarded' for Council Tax purposes. This means we do not count them when we are working out how many adults live in the property. If the number of adults counted is one, a discount of 25% is allowed. If no adults count, a discount of 50% is allowed.

The following list shows the people that can be disregarded:

  • Full time students and student nurses
  • Apprentices and Youth Training Trainees
  • People for whom Child Benefit is payable and school leavers under 20
  • People with severe mental impairment
  • Certain care workers and people providing care in the home
  • People providing or receiving care elsewhere
  • Patients living in a hospital or in a nursing home
  • Prisoners and other people held in detention
  • Members of recognised religious communities
  • Foreign diplomats




ID: 39, revised 09/09/2022