
Dissatisfaction relating to Freedom of Information (FOI) / Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) Requests

The Compliments, Concerns and Complaints Policy does not apply to Freedom of Information (FOI) / Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) requests. Grievances relating to this process are dealt with as a request for an Internal Review in accordance with the FOI/EIR legislation. For further information please contact: FOI Team on 01437 77 6684 or  

  • You will receive an acknowledgement within 3 working days
  • An independent Review Panel will consider your Internal Review within 20 working days. If we are unable to reply within 20 working days we will write to tell you why and when you can expect a full reply

If you are not satisfied with our response, you have the right to contact the Information Commissioner, an independent body appointed by the government to look into concerns relating to the Freedom of Information Act / Environmental Information Regulations.

The Commissioner will want to know if your Internal Review can be settled between yourself and Pembrokeshire County Council before starting an investigation, so please try this procedure first.

The address for the Information Commissioner is:-

Information Commissioner's Office - Wales

2nd Floor, Churchill House

Churchill Way


CF10 2HH

Tel: 0330 414 6421


ID: 514, revised 16/07/2024