Coastline Adaptation Plans

Newgale Shingle Bank

The Authority is taking a two pronged approach by (a) shortlisting potential new road options and (b) creating an adaptation masterplan of the wider area of Newgale.

Update on Newgale Coastal Adaptation Scheme

We have a team of consultants reviewing how to respond to the expected impacts of climate change at Newgale. This builds on ideas we consulted the community about in 2016 and 2017. There are already plans for a new section of road inland to make sure people can continue to travel between Roch and Penycwm, protecting broader connections between the St David’s Peninsula and the rest of the County for buses, drivers and hauliers. Work is also underway to identify other proposals for Newgale that are equally as important in securing the future of the community.

These include improving footpath and cycle routes, enhancing the rich flora and fauna of the valley, maintaining access to the beach for existing users and speaking to those likely to be most directly affected by sea level rise and more frequent flooding. A consultation and engagement website will be launched in the coming months and we will include a link to it here when it is ready. You will be able to find information about all of the consultations we’ve held since 2016 and copies on plans and reports that we’ve published.

Explaining our ideas for the Project and consulting with local communities, as well as those with an interest in Newgale and the wider area, helps us to understand what is most important to different people. Your views help us to shape and refine proposals to ensure we develop a sustainable plan for the community that works for now and in the future. Consultation is also a very important part of the planning process.

You can contact the team directly by emailing, or writing to Rob Morgan, Atkins, 12 Orchard St, Swansea West Glamorgan, SA1 5AD.

Site activities

Site investigations will be starting in the Spring, involving some specialised machinery that will be taking soil and road samples. We are in the process of confirming arrangements with affected landowners and site notices will be placed at the appropriate time. The information gathered will allow engineers to identify the best route and design, in technical issues to refine the preferred route and design for the road element of the Project. The samples will also show how the existing coast road through Newgale might be affected by coastal erosion

For more information:

Newgale Coastal Adaptation (opens in a new tab)


ID: 2588, revised 09/10/2023