Choosing and Supporting Pembrokeshire

Pembrokeshire Coast National Park

The National Park is such a wild, scenic, wildlife diverse, and historic area that most of the coastline is protected in some way by national or international conservation designations and event organisers should make sure that their event does not cause damage or harm.  For example, many of the coastal cliffs are home to cliff nesting birds that are sensitive to disturbance during their breeding season.  Much of the Pembrokeshire Coast Path National Trail is valued as a place where visitors can enjoy the wild qualities of this special place in tranquil surroundings. 

All land in the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park is owned and managed to some degree. The land provides direct and indirect employment to a large number of people, mostly through farming. In planning an organised outdoor event, it is important to consider the potential impacts on activities such as lambing, harvesting and livestock grazing. 

For more information: Pembrokeshire Coast National Park

For information on recreation in Pembrokeshire Coast National Park: Enjoy Pembrokeshire

ID: 4691, revised 08/03/2023